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Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery 3e 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 127,000원 11%↓
  • 판매가 : 112,000원
  • 적립금 : 2,000원
  • 저자명 : Brown 3e
  • 출판사 : Lippincott W&W
  • PAGE : 740
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2023년 11월 08일
  • ISBN : 9781975197391

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도서 소개

상품 상세설명

이 책의 특징

Covering the full range of clinical concerns encountered by today’s plastic surgeons, Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery, Third Edition, remains a portable, practical manual in this fast-changing field. Editors David L. Brown, Widya Adidharma, and Geoffrey E. Hespe, use an easy-to-follow bulleted format to provide expert guidance on fundamental principles and techniques of plastic surgery for skin and soft tissue lesions, the head and neck, facial reconstruction, craniofacial concerns, aesthetic surgery, and surgeries of the breast, hand and upper extremity, trunk, lower extremity, genitalia, and burns. 

  • Offers thoroughly revised chapters throughout, including updated information on flap anatomy, lymphedema, rhinoplasty, and emerging trends in plastic surgery 

  • Contains new chapters on pelvic gender affirming surgery, breast reduction and top surgery, and expansion of related chapters 

  • Provides first-ever section headings and colored tabs for easy navigation 

  • Covers content that corresponds to topics on plastic surgery in-service and specialty board examinations, and highlights material covered on the In-Service Exam 

  • Written by residents in the University of Michigan’s renowned plastic surgery training program, with contributions from senior residents in related fields including general surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology, orthopaedics, neurosurgery and urology 

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  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

About the Editors vi
Section Editors vii
Contributors viii
Foreword xii
Preface xiii
Section Editor: Christine S. Wang
1: Complex Wound Care 1
Brigit Baglien
2: Grafts 20
Jennifer C. Lee and Widya Adidharma
3: Flaps 29
Jennifer C. Lee and Widya Adidharma
4: Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation 40
Sherry Tang
5: Tissue Expansion 49
Christine S. Wang
6: Fat Grafting 55
Amy L. Strong and Jaclyn T. Mauch
7: Benign and Malignant Skin and Soft Tissue Lesions 61
Naomi Briones
8: Lymphedema and Vascular Anomalies 81
Geoffrey E. Hespe
9: Lasers in Plastic Surgery 93
Naomi Briones
10: Burns 100
Emily Barrett
11: Burn Reconstruction 119
Megan Lane and Ayana K. Cole-Price
12: Preoperative Cardiopulmonary Risk Stratification and Prophylaxis 128
Kory LaPree
Section Editor: Chien-Wei Wang
13: Cleft Lip 135
Gina N. Sacks
14: Cleft Palate 146
Katelyn G. Makar
15: Velopharyngeal Insufficiency 157
Alexandra O. Luby
16: Craniosynostosis and Craniofacial Syndromes 163
Alexandra O. Luby
17: Reconstruction of Congenital Ear Deformities 174
Chien-Wei Wang
18: Orthognathic Surgery 184
Hossein E. Jazayeri
19: Facial Palsy 194
Alisa Yamasaki
20: Facial Trauma 204
Chien-Wei Wang
21: Scalp and Calvarial Reconstruction 223
Alexandra O. Luby
22: Ear Reconstruction 230
Chien-Wei Wang
23: Eyelid Reconstruction 237
Jane S. Kim and Peter M. Kally
24: Eyelid Malposition 252
Jane S. Kim and Peter M. Kally
25: Nasal Reconstruction 258
Alisa Yamasaki
26: Lip and Cheek Reconstruction 269
Chien-Wei Wang
27: Head and Neck Masses and Neoplasms 283
Rebecca W. Gao
28: Principles of Head and Neck Reconstruction 293
Rebecca W. Gao
Section Editor: Megan Lane
29: Hand and Wrist Anatomy and Examination 300
Jennifer C. Lee and Widya Adidharma
30: Basics of Fixation 312
Atticus Coscia
31: Congenital Upper Extremity Anomalies 319
Alfred P. Yoon and Jennifer Waljee
32: Brachial Plexus Injuries 339
Ayobami L. Ward and Shay Nguyen
33: Distal Radius and Ulna Fractures 346
Cecilia M. Pesavento and Alexander N. Khouri
34: Carpal Fractures and Dislocations 353
Davin C. Gong and Stefano Muscatelli
35: Phalangeal and Metacarpal Fractures and Dislocations 358
Matthew T. Rasmussen and Evangeline F. Kobayashi
36: Traumatic Amputation Injuries 367
Evangeline F. Kobayashi and Matthew T. Rasmussen
37: Fingertip and Nail Bed Injuries 377
Alexander N. Khouri
38: Tendon Injuries and Tendonitis 383
Alexander N. Khouri and Lauren Bruce
39: Tendon Transfers 399
Widya Adidharma
40: Thumb Reconstruction 405
Ryan O. Davenport and Shahan Saleem
41: Soft Tissue Coverage of the Upper Extremity 412
Connor Mullen and Katherine L. Burke
42: Hand Infections 417
Alexander N. Khouri and Meera Kattapuram
43: Compartment Syndrome and High-Pressure Injections 425
Alexandria Sherwood and Stacia M. Ruse
44: Hand Tumors 431
Paul Gagnet
45: Nerve Injuries, Neuromas, and Compression Syndromes 442
Shelby Svientek
46: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Dupuytren Contracture 468
Stacia M. Ruse and Alexandria Sherwood
Section Editor: Sherry Tang
47: Breast Augmentation, Mastopexy, and Augmentation Mastopexy 481
Sarah Hart Kennedy
48: Reduction Mammoplasty, Top Surgery, and Gynecomastia 490
Sherry Tang
49: Breast Disease 504
Emily Barrett
50: Breast Reconstruction 518
Sherry Tang
51: Thoracic Reconstruction 530
Megan Lane and Paige L. Myers
52: Abdominal Reconstruction 538
Brigit Baglien
53: Perineal, Penile, and Vaginal Reconstruction 545
Kyle R. Latack and Widya Adidharma
54: Gender-Affirming Pelvic Surgery 556
Caleb Haley
55: Pressure-Induced Skin and Soft Tissue Injuries 562
Humza N. Mirza and Geoffrey E. Hespe
56: Lower Extremity Reconstruction 574
Connor Mullen
Section Editor: Rami D. Sherif
57: Evaluation of Facial Aging 594
Jaclyn T. Mauch
58: Nonoperative Facial Rejuvenation 603
Galina G. Primeau
59: Periocular Rejuvenation: Blepharoplasty, Eyelid Ptosis, and Brow Lift 613
Peter M. Kally and Jane S. Kim
60: Rhinoplasty 629
Johnny Yanjun Xie and Rami D. Sherif
61: Face-lift and Neck Lift 643
Christopher J. Breuler and Rami D. Sherif
62: Genioplasty 654
Rami D. Sherif
63: Gender-Affirming Facial Surgery 662
Megan Lane
64: Liposuction, Panniculectomy, and Abdominoplasty 667
Christopher J. Breuler
65: Brachioplasty and Thighplasty 679
Geoffrey E. Hespe
66: How to Excel During Your Plastic Surgery Sub-Internship 683
Geoffrey E. Hespe and Widya Adidharma
Index 685 


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