Using a practical, easy-to-reference signs and symptoms approach, Fenichel's Clinical Pediatric Neurology, 9th Edition, provides a solid foundation in the diagnosis and management of primary neurologic disorders of childhood while bringing you fully up to date with developments in the field. It offers step-by-step, authoritative guidance that considers each presenting symptom in terms of differential diagnosis and treatment, reflecting real-life patient evaluation and management. Perfect for board exam preparation, office use, or residency reference, this well-organized, revised edition is an ideal introduction to this complex and fast-changing field.
Defines age at onset, course of illness, clinical features, and treatment options for each neurological disease, all logically organized by neurological signs and symptoms in a highly templated format.
Brings you up to date with every aspect of the field, with integrated content on new medications, new topics such as neurological complications of COVID in children, and a new chapter on behavioral neurology.
Includes comprehensive coverage of genetics in relation to epilepsy, autism, and many neurometabolic disorders, with up-to-date coverage of genetic testing, diagnosis, and pharmacogenomics.
Features weighted differential diagnosis tables and treatment algorithms that help you quickly identify the more common and most treatable neurological disorders, as well as evaluate and manage the most difficult neurodegenerative disorders, including those caused by inborn errors of metabolism.
Provides helpful boxes that synthesize symptoms and foundational points, an increased number of imaging examples throughout, and more than 300 illustrations, tables, and charts that support and clarify the text.
Shares the knowledge and experience of clinical neurologist and epileptologist, Dr. Kaitlin C. James, and Dr. J. Eric Piña-Garza, a longtime associate and protégé of Dr. Gerald Fenichel.
An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
1. Paroxysmal Disorders
2. Altered States of Consciousness
3. Headache
4. Increased Intracranial Pressure
5. Psychomotor Delay and Regression
6. The Hypotonic Infant
7. Flaccid Limb Weakness in Childhood
8. Cramps, Muscle Stiffness, and Exercise Intolerance
9. Sensory and Autonomic Disturbances
10. Ataxia
11. Hemiplegia
12. Paraplegia and Quadriplegia
13. Monoplegia
14. Movement Disorders
15. Disorders of Ocular Motility
16. Disorders of the Visual System
17. Lower Brainstem and Cranial Nerve Dysfunction
18. Disorders of Cranial Volume and Shape
19. Behavioral Neurology
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