Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations delivers easy-to-follow, step-by-step procedural guidance accompanied by more than 800 high-quality illustrations designed to teach readers the most current minimally invasive surgery techniques.
Each of the 62 procedures is fully explained with text and accompanying illustrations. The beautifully rendered line drawings depict every important action a surgeon must consider while performing the operation. The text includes consistently formatted coverage of indications, preoperative preparation, anesthesia, position, incision and exposure, procedure, closure, and postoperative care. All of the outstanding illustrations were created by professors of medical illustration at Johns Hopkins University.
1. Introduction
2. General principles
a. Access
i. Direct puncture
ii. Hasson technique
iii. Hand assisted
iv. thoracoscopy (VATS)
b. Principles of trocar placement
3. Operations on the esophagus
a. Minimally invasive cricopharyngotomy for Zenker's diverticulum
b. Thoracoscopic Diverticulectomy
i. with myotomy
c. Laparoscopic Fundoplication
i. Nissen fundoplication
ii. Nissen Rossetti
iii. Toupet fundoplication
iv. Dor fundoplication
d. Laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hernia
i. With mesh reinforcement of the hiatus
e. Collis gastroplasty for short esophagus
i. Thoracoscopic
ii. Laparoscopic
f. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy
i. With diverticulectomy
ii. With Dor fundoplication
iii. With Toupet fundoplication
g. Laparoscopic esophagectomy
i. Transhiatal
ii. Thoracoscopic
iii. Inversion
4. Operations on the stomach
a. Bariatric procedures
i. Gastric bypass
1. with antecolic RY
2. with retrocolic RY
3. with long limb RY
ii. Gastric banding
1. pars flacida approach
iii. Duodenal switch with lateral gastrectomy
iv. Vertical Banded gastroplasty
b. Antrectomy
i. With B1
ii. With B2
c. Subtotal gastrectomy
d. Pyloroplasty
e. Pyloromyotomy
f. Gastrojejunostomy
g. Highly selective vagotomy
h. Wedge resection of ulcers of leiomyomas
i. Intragastric surgery
i. For GI stromal tumors
ii. For pancreatic psedocysts
5. Operations on the duodenum and small bowel
a. Enterolysis for SBO
b. Laparoscopic assisted SB resection
c. Laparoscopic assisted stricturoplasty
6. Laparoscopic appendectomy
a. Access
i. Traditional
ii. Variations
b. With endoloop
c. With stapler
d. Retrograde
e. Methods of retrieval
7. Laparoscopic Colorectal surgery
a. Right colectomy
b. Sigmoid colectomy
c. Total abdominal colectomy
i. Totally laparoscopic
ii. Hand assisted
iii. With Ileoanal pouch anastomosis
d. Diverting colostomy
e. Colostomy takedown
f. Abdominal perineal resection
g. Trans anal endoscopic microsurgery
8. Laparoscopic biliary surgery
a. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
i. with cholangiography
ii. with ultrasonography
b. Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration
i. Transcystic cholangioscopy
ii. Transcystic fluoroscopy
iii. Via choledochotomy
9. Laparoscopic Liver surgery
a. Drainage of hepatic cysts
b. Non anatomic liver resections
10. Laparoscopic pancreatic surgery
a. Distal pancreatectomy
i. With splenectomy
ii. Without splenectomy
b. Ennucleation of Islet cell tumor
c. Pancreatic necrosectomy
11. Laparoscopic splenectomy
a. Lesser curvature approach
b. Lateral approach
12. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy
a. Left adrenalectomy
b. Right adrenalectomy
13. Laparoscopic nephrectomy
a. Donor nephrectomy
b. Laparoscopic nephrectomy for cancer
14. Laparoscopic lymphadenectomy
15. Thoracoscopic surgery of the chest wall
a. Pluerectomy and pluerodesis
b. Sympathectomy
16. Thoracoscopic Lung Surgery (VATS)
a. Wedge resection
b. Lobectomy
17. Upper GI endoscopy
a. Diagnostic
b. With PEG
c. For treatment of esophageal varicies
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