1. Introduction
a. Why Lingual Orthodontics?
b. Advantages of Lingual Orthodontics
c. Mechano-Therapeutic Benefits of Lingual Treatment
d. Advantages of Lingual Treatment with the Incognito™ Appliance System
e. Technology Advantages of the Incognito™ Appliance System
f. History of the Incognito™ Appliance System
g. Summary
2. Wire Ligation
a. Self Retaining Slot
b. O-Ring
c. Overtie
d. Overtie with Steel Ligature
e. Power Tie
f. Angulation Control
g. Torque Control
3. Special Elastics and Chains
a. Lasso
b. O-Lasso
c. Chicane
d. Powerchain Placement
4. Bracket Configuration and Wire Selection
a. Introduction
b. Recommended Archwire Sequences
c. Case 1: Class II Div 2; Upper Right and Upper Left Bicuspid Extraction
d. Case 2: Class I; Bimaxillary Retrusion
e. Case 3: Upper Interproximal Reduction / Lower Incisor Extraction
f. Case 4: Class II Div 1, Extreme Overjet; Extraction Upper Bicuspid
g. Case 5: Four Bicuspid Extraction
h. Case 6: Class II Div 1, Extreme Overjet; Non-Extraction
i. Ordering Finishing Wires with Corrective Values
5. Non-Extraction Therapy
a. Mild Crowding
b. Space Creation with Stops
c. Class I Open Bite, Non Extraction
d. Class I Crowding & Anterior Cross Bite, Non Extraction
e. Class I Protrusion, Non Extraction
6. Class II Mechanics
a Inter-Maxillary Elastics
b. Forsus™ Class II Corrector
c. Forsus™ Case
d. Herbst® Appliance
e. Herbst® Case 1
f. Herbst® Case 2
g. TADs
h. TADs Case 1 (Class II Non Extraction)
i. TADs Case 2 (Class II Non Extraction)
7. Extraction Therapy
a. First Wires
b. Retraction Mechanics
c. Double Cable Mechanics
d. Maintaining Correct Tip in Extraction Cases
e. Class I Crowding & Lip Protrusion 1, Extraction
f. Class I Crowding & Lip Protrusion 2, Extraction
g. Class I Crowding, Extraction
h. Class II Extraction (Screw)
i. Class II Extraction
j. Class II Extraction (Upper)
k. Class III Extraction 1
l. Class III Extraction 2
m. Class III Extraction 3
8. Open Bites and Cross Bites
a. Open Bite at the Beginning of Treatment
b. Class II Open Bite, Non Extraction (Screw)
c. Cross Bite with RPE
d. Anterior Cross Bite
e. Class III Non Extraction (Screw)
9. Orthognathic Surgery
a. Class I Facial Asymmetry Surgery, Non Extraction
b. Class III Facial Asymmetry Surgery, Extraction (Upper)
10. Clinical Tips
a. Tips
b. Bite Opening During Treatment
c. Open Bite Forming During Cross Bite Correction
d. Rectangular Wire Clinical Tips
e. Third Wire Clinical Tips
f. Third Order Control
g. Opening and Closing Space
h. Un-Erupted Teeth
i. Angulation Problems
j. Maintaining Tip Control in Extraction Cases
k. Finishing Bend Tips
11. Incognito™ Lite Appliance System
a. Introduction
b. What is the Incognito™ Lite Appliance System – Summary at One Glance
c. Incognito™ Lite Appliance System Order Form
d. Case 1 (3 to 3 Treatment)
e. Case 2 (4 to 4 Treatment)
f. Case 3 (4 to 4 Treatment)
g. Case 4 (4 to 4 Treatment)
h. Case 5 (5 to 5 Treatment)
i. Case 6 (5 to 5 Treatment)
12. Contributing Doctors
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