More than 1,000 full-color photographs speed diagnosis of the dermatologic conditions most often encountered in primary care
One of the bestselling dermatology books in the world, this quick-reference clinical guide has virtually defined the field for thousands of physicians, dermatology residents, and medical students for more than three decades. Spanning the entire spectrum of skin problems, Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, Eighth Edition combines laser-precise color images of skin lesions along with an overview of epidemiology and pathophysiology, and detailed information on diagnosis and treatment.
• Approximately 1083 full-color images, with more than 40% new to this edition
• A color-coded 4-part organization facilitates review at a glance and includes helpful icons denoting the incidence and morbidity of the disease
• ICD-10 codes are included for each disease
• Thoroughly updated coverage of etiology, pathogenesis, management, and therapy
• Many images highlight skin disease in different ethnic populations
If you’ve been looking for a unique combination text, clinical reference, and color atlas that spans the entire field of dermatology, and has been trusted by thousands of clinicians and students, your search ends here.
Part I: Disorders of Skin &Mucous Membranes
1. Disorders of Sebaceous & Apocrine Glands
2. Eczema/Dermatitis
3. Psoriasis
4. Ichthyoses
5. Miscellaneous Epidermal Disorders
6. Bullous Diseases
7. Miscellaneous Inflammatory Disorders
8. Erythrodema and Rashes in the Acutely Ill
9. Benign Neoplasms and Hyperplasias
10. Photosensitivity
11. Precancerous Lesions and Cutaneous Carcinomas
12. Melanoma Precursors and Primary Cutaneous Melanoma
13. Pigmentary Disorders
Part II: Dermatology and Internal Medicine
14. Immune, Autoimmune, & Rheumatic Disease
15. Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional &Genetic Disease
16. Vascular Insufficiency
17. Systemic Cancer
18. Hematologic Disease
19. Cutaneous Lymphoma & Sarcoma
20. Adverse Drug Reactions
21. Psychiatric Illnesses
Part III. Microbial Disease
22. Bacterial Infections
23. Fungal Infections
24. Rickettsial Infections
25. Viral Infections
26. Insect Bites and Infestations
27. STDs
28. HIV
Part IV: Hair, Nail, and Mucosa
29. Hair Follicle Disorders
30. Nail Disorders
31. Oropharyngeal Disorders
32. Genitalia, Perianum, Anus,
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