Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant, written and edited by Drs. Remington, Klein, Wilson, Nizet, and Maldonado, remains the definitive source of information in this field. The 8th edition of this authoritative reference provides the most up-to-date and complete guidance on infections found in utero, during delivery, and in the neonatal period in both premature and term infants. Special attention is given to the prevention and treatment of these diseases found in developing countries as well as the latest findings about new antimicrobial agents, gram-negative infections and their management, and recommendations for immunization of the fetus/mother. Nationally and internationally recognized in immunology and infectious diseases, new associate editors Nizet and Maldonado bring new insight and fresh perspective to the book. Easy access to the complete contents and illustrations can be found online at
- emerging problems and concepts in maternal, fetal, and neonatal infectious diseases
- anticipation and recognition of infections occurring in utero, during delivery, and in the neonatal period
Section I: General Information
1. Current Concepts of Infections of the Fetus and Newborn Infant
2. Neonatal Infections: A Global Perspective
3. Obstetric Factors Associated with Infections of the Fetus and Newborn Infant
4. Developmental Immunology and Role of Host Defenses in Fetal and Neonatal Susceptibility to Infection
5. Human Milk
Section II: Bacterial Infections
6. Bacterial Sepsis and Meningitis
7. Bacterial Infections of the Respiratory Tract
8. Bacterial Infections of the Bones and Joints
9. Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract
10. Focal Bacterial Infections
11. Microorganisms Responsible for Neonatal Diarrhea
12. Group B Streptococcal Infections
13. Listeriosis
14. Staphylococcal Infections
15. Gonococcal Infections
16. Syphilis
17. Borella Infections: Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever
18. Tuberculosis
19. Chlamydia Infections
20. Mycoplasmal Infections
21. Bordetella pertussis and Other Bordetella sp Infections
Section III: Viral Infections
22. Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in the Infant
23. Varicella, Measles, and Mumps
24. Cytomegalovirus
25. Enterovirus and Parechovirus Infections
26. Hepatitis
27. Herpes Simplex Virus Infections
28. Human Parvovirus
29. Rubella
30. Less Common Viral Infections
Section IV: Protozoan, Helminth, and Fungal Infections
31. Toxoplasmosis
32. Malaria and Less Common Protozoan and Helminth Infections
33. Candidiasis
34. Pneumocystis and Other Less Common Fungal Infections
Section V: Diagnosis and Management
35. Healthcare-Associated Infections in the Nursery
36. Laboratory Aids for Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis
37. Clinical Pharmacology of Anti-Infective Drugs
38. Prevention of Fetal and Early Life Infections Through Maternal-Neonatal Immunization
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