Echocardiography remains the most commonly used imaging technique to visualize the heart and great vessels, and this clinically oriented text by Drs. Scott D. Solomon, Justina C. Wu, and Linda D. Gillam helps you make the most of its diagnostic and prognostic potential for your patients. Part of the highly regarded Braunwald's family of cardiology references, Essential Echocardiography expertly covers basic principles of anatomy and physiology, the appearance of normal variants across a wide range of cardiovascular diseases, and the hands-on approaches necessary to acquire and interpret optimal echocardiographic images in the clinical setting.
Key Features
Abundant illustrations provide a superb visual learning experience both in print and online. Images convey clear, classic examples that represent decades of experience over multiple institutions, as well as recent advances in the field.
More than 485 accompanying video clips mirror the images in the text, with easy-to-follow links from the figure citation to the video online.
Each section includes one or two clinical cases that illustrate key concepts.
Written by expert echocardiographers and sonographers who emphasize practical applications throughout the text, and superbly illustrated by physician-artist Dr. Bernard Bulwer.
Ideal for anyone currently using or learning to use echocardiography, including cardiologists, cardiology fellows, sonographers, anesthesiologists, critical care physicians, emergency physicians, radiologists, residents, and medical students.
Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Author Information
By Scott D Solomon, MD, Director, Noninvasive Cardiology, Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA ; Justina Wu, MD, Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine Department, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA and Linda D. Gillam, Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine, Atlantic Health System, Morristown, New Jersey
Solomon: Essential Echocardiography: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Section 1: Principles of Ultrasound and Instrumentation
1. Physical Principles of Ultrasound and Generation of Images
2. M-Mode Imaging
3. Principles of Contrast Echocardiography
4. Principles of Transesophageal Echocardiography
5. Principles of 3-Dimensional Ultrasound
6. Principles and Practical Aspects of Strain Echocardiography
7. Understanding Imaging Artifacts
Section 2: The Echocardiographic Examination
8. Principles of Transthoracic Imaging Acquisition: The Standard Adult Transthoracic Echocardiographic Examination
9. The Transthoracic Examination, View By View
10. Three-Dimensional Echocardiography: Image Acquisition
11. Optimization of the Patient and Equipment
12. Utilizing Contrast Echocardiography in Practice
13. Echo On-Call: Echocardiographic Emergencies
Section 3: Assessment of Cardiac Structure and Function
14. Assessment of Left Ventricular Systolic Function
15. Left Ventricular Diastolic Function
16. Assessment of Right Ventricular Structure and Function
17. Assessment of the Atria
Section 4: Echocardiography for Diseases of the Myocardium
18. Acute Myocardial Infarction
19. Mechanical Complications of Myocardial Infarction
20. Long-Term Consequences and Prognosis after Myocardial Infarction
21. Echocardiography in Heart Failure
22. Dilated Cardiomyopathies
23. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
24. Restrictive and Infiltrative Cardiomyopathies
25. Echocardiography in Assessment of Cardiac Synchrony
26. Echocardiography in Assessment of Ventricular Assist Devices
27. Stress Echocardiography and Echo in Cardiopulmonary Testing
Section 5: Valvular Heart Disease
28. Mitral Valve Disease
29. Aortic Valve Disease
30. Tricuspid and Pulmonic Valve Disease
31. Prosthetic Valves
32. Echocardiography in Percutaneous Valvular Intervention
Section 6: Diseases of the Pericardium and Great Vessels
33. Pericardial Disease
34. Diseases of the Aorta
Section 7: Diseases of the Pulmonary Artery and Veins
35. Pulmonary Embolism
36. Pulmonary Hypertension
Section 8: Cardiac Masses
37. Primary and Secondary Tumors
38. Identification of Intracardiac Thrombus
39. Other Cardiac Masses
Section 9: Systemic Diseases Involving the Heart
40. Echocardiography in Infective Endocarditis
41. Other Systemic Diseases and the Heart
42. Echocardiography in Malignant Disease
Section 10: Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult
43. Atrial Septal Defect
44. Ventricular Septal Defect
45. Other Common Congenital Defects in Adults
Section 11: Miscellaneous Topics in Echocardiography
46. Handheld Echocardiography
47. Appropriate Use of Echocardiography
48. Echocardiography in the Context of Other Cardiac Imaging Modalities
49. Transesophageal Echocardiography for Cardiac Surgery
Appendix A: Reference Tables
Appendix B: Commonly Utilized Equations in Echocardiography
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