도서 소개
상품 상세설명
ㆍ Concise up-to-date source
ㆍ Clearly structured volume
ㆍ Focus on pitfalls
ㆍ Clinically relevant text
ㆍ Outstanding quility of figures
ㆍ Remarkable examples of pathology
ㆍ Must-have teaching tool
ㆍ Over 4000 MRI case illustrations
ㆍOver 750 color panels.
ㆍThe Concept
MRI-Essentials.com covers all aspects of musculoskeletal MRI with an emphasis on orthopedics and sports medicine.
The text is highly compressed and enhanced by the images. Examples of some complex pathologies are included, but without straying from the subject. Learning in radiology, like all learning, is a combination of knowledge acquired from those around us, knowing the science and personal experience. Presentation and analysis of actual MR images is of fundamental importance to such personal experience beyond the daily exposition of cases. The images included in this book were chosen to provide the opportunity for such analysis, but the most important requirement was that the images are relevant to clinical practice.
ㆍ The Readers
MRI-Essentials.com can be studied and read from the beginning to the end to gain a deeper insight into musculoskeletal MR imaging, but it can also be dipped into for information on specific topics. Basic knowledge of MRI is helpful to take full advantage of its content. The structure of the book is as logical as possible to allow easy access to its contents so that it can be of use in daily radiology practice. Finally, any non-radiologists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic conditions will profit from this book, as knowledge of MRI is always important for communication and decisions about treatment.
ㆍThe Goal
Radiologists who deal with musculoskeletal MRI every day need fast access to the information necessary to establish a diagnosis. To meet this goal the text is concise, yet comprehensive, constantly focusing on clinical relevance while integrating anatomy and pathology. I hope that this book will foster communication between the radiologist and referring physician, will help provide focused and comprehensive reports and, finally and most importantly, will reflect the needs of our patients. If I have only partially reached this goal I am a happy man!
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