Softcover - 752 pages 3/e CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment in Family Medicine is an easy-to-use guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of the full range of clinical conditions seen in primary care. The book covers all age groups--from pediatric to geriatric--and includes end-of-life issues. An essential clinical reference for house staff and practicing family physicians, the book is also great for USMLE Step 3 review, board certification, and maintenance of certification. Features Organized according to the developmental lifespan, beginning with childhood and adolescence and progressing through adulthood and senior years Complementary and alternative treatments included where appropriate Recommendations for both immediate and ongoing management strategies Numerous algorithms, charts, and tables encapsulate important information Conservative and pharmacologic therapies Patient education information Sections on Therapeutics, Genetics, and Prevention; Psychosocial Disorders; and Physician-Patient Issues NEW chapter on patient-centered medicine
SECTION I: INFANCY & CHILDHOOD1. Well Child Care, Sukanya Srinivasan and Donald B. Middleton2. Failure to Thrive, Deborah Auer Flomenhoft3. Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia, Andrew B. Symons and Martin C. Mahoney4. Breastfeeding & Infant Nutrition, Tracey B. Conti, Mamta Patel, and Samidha Bhat5. Common Infections in Children, Mark A. Knox6. Skin Diseases in Infants & Children, Mark A. Knox7. Routine Childhood Vaccines, Richard Kent Zimmerman and Donald B. Middleton8. Disruptive Behavioral Disorders in Children, William S. Sykora, Richard J. Welsh, and Marian Swope9. Seizures, Donald B. MiddletonSECTION II: ADOLESCENCE10. Physical Activity in Adolescents, Mark B. Stevens and Dan Burnett11. Eating Disorders, Lisa M. Ranzenhofer, Evelyn L. Lewis, and Marian Tanofsky-Kraff12. Adolescent Sexuality, Peter J. Katsufrakis and Margaret R.H. Nusbaum13. Menstrual Disorders, LTC Mary V. Krueger14. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Peter J. Katsufrakis and Kimberly A. WorkowskiSECTION III: ADULTS15. Health Maintenance for Adults, Stephen A. Wilson, Lora Cox, Paul Larson, Rachelle Busby, David Yuan, and Sabesan Karuppiah16. Preconception Care, Essam Demian and Magued Rizk17. Contraception, Susan C. Brunsell18. Adult Sexual Dysfunction, Charles W. Mackett, III, and Margaret R.H. Nusbaum19. Acute Coronary Syndrome, Stephen A. Wilson and Jacqueline Weaver-Agostoni20. Heart Failure, Michael King, Baretta Casey, and Richard E. Rodenberg, Jr.21. Dyslipidemias, Brian V. Reamy22. Urinary Tract Infections, Joe Kingery and Shersten Killip23. Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, Gout, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bruce E. Johnson24. Low Back Pain in Primary Care: An Evidence-Based Approach, Charles W. Webb and Francis G. O Connor25. Neck Pain, Gary W.K. Ho and Thomas M. Howard26. Cancer Screening in Women, Nicole Powell-Dunford27. Respiratory Problems, William J. Huesten and Baretta R. Casey28. Evaluation & Management of Headache, C. Randall Clinch29. Osteoporosis, Jeannette E. South-Paul30. Abdominal Pain, Cindy M. Barter and Laura Dunne31. Anemia, Brian A. Primack and Kiame J. Mahaniah
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