도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Stay on top of the latest advances in the ambulatory care of women with Glass' Office Gynecology, 7e, today’s most up-
to-date and practical guide to the common issues seen every day by women’s health providers in an office setting.
Chapters mirror the common issues seen by practitioners and include epidemiology of gynecologic disease, examination
tips, laboratory testing, diagnostic procedures, treatment and appropriate follow up, as well as referral for specialty
treatment and counseling. Clinical notes make this book a handy resource for the busy practitioner.
New to the Seventh Edition…
Brand new chapters on:
Ambulatory office procedures
Early pregnancy loss and ectopic pregnancy
Medical-legal issues in office gynecology
Office evaluation of women with disabilities
Easily accessible expert information you need with easy-to-read bulleted text Tables and algorithms to provide precise
guidance for decision-making Over 200 tables More than 135 diagrams for quick reference
New to the Seventh Edition…
Brand new chapters on:
Ambulatory office procedures
Early pregnancy loss and ectopic pregnancy
Medical-legal issues in office gynecology
Office evaluation of women with disabilities
Easily accessible expert information you need with easy-to-read bulleted text Tables and algorithms to provide precise
guidance for decision-making Over 200 tables More than 135 diagrams for quick reference
Common Gynecologic Conditions
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Contraception
Leah Antoniewicz
2. Uterine Abnormalities
Lubna Chohan
3. Hyperandrogenism
Robert L. Barbieri
4. Vulvovaginitis
Irene Aga, Jenny Duret, Silvia Linares
5. Abnormal Cervical Cytology and Human Papillomavirus
Saketh Guntupalli, David Mutch
6. Sexually Transmitted Infections and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Philippe G. Judlin
7. Chronic Pelvic Pain
John F. Steege
8. Premenstrual Syndromes
Meir Steiner
9. Women and Sexuality
Marianne Brandon
10. Office Management of Endometriosis
Jennifer Knudtson, Robert S. Schenken
11. Infertility and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Alexander M. Quaas
12. Early Pregnancy Loss and Ectopic
13. Surgical and Medical Abortion
14. Benign Disorders of the Vulva and Vagina
Colleen Kennedy Stockdale, Lori A. Boardman
15. Urogynecology and Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions
Thomas M. Julian
Common Non-Gynecologic Conditions
16. Breast Disorders
Junko Ozao-Choy, Farin Amersi, Armando E. Giuliano
17. Psychiatric Disorders
Laura J. Miller, Orit Avni-Barron, Joji Suzuki, Ellen B. Astrachan-Fletcher, Florina Haimovici, Jennifer Boisture,
Leena Mittal
18. Intimate Partner Violence
Ann L. Cokey, Corrine M. Williams, James E. Ferguson, II
19. Lifestyle Modification
Catherine Takacs Witkop
20. Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Juliet McKee
21. Diagnosis and Management of Hereditary Cancer
Monique A. Spillman, Andrew Berchuck
22. Occupational and Environmental Exposures
Patrice Sutton, Joanne Perrone, Linda C. Giudice, Tracey J. Woodruff
Special Populations
23. Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Mariel A. Focseneanu, Diane Merritt
24. Care of Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women
25. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Women's Health
Kirsten Smith, Olivier Bolles
26. Office Evaluation of Women with Disabilities
Caroline Signore
27. Management of the HIV Infected Woman
Rupa Kanapathipillai, Michelle L. Giles
Office Procedures
28. Ambulatory Procedures
Silvia Linares, Irene Aga
Office Management Issues
29. Patient Safety in Ambulatory Gynecology
Tejal Gandhi, Roxane Gardner
30. Medical-Legal Issues in Office Gynecology
Bruce Patsner, Susan Patricia Raine
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