Section I-General Topics Affecting Gynecology Surgery Practice 1. Operative Gynecology Before the Era of Laparoscopy: A Brief History 2. The Ethics of Pelvic Surgery 3. Psychological Aspects of Pelvic Surgery 4. Professional Liability and Risk Management for the Gynecologic Surgeon 5. The Changing Environment in Which We Practice Gynecologic Surgery 6. Training the Gynecologic Surgeon. Maintaining and Improving Surgical Skills, by Victoria Handa (chapter 7 combined into ch. 6) Section II-Principles of Anatomy and Perioperative Considerations 7. Surgical Anatomy of the Female Pelvis 8. Preoperative Care 9. Postanesthesia and Postoperative Care 10. Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Metabolism 11. Postoperative Infections: Prevention and Management 12. Shock in the Gynecological Patient 13. Wound Healing, Suture Material, and Surgical Instrumentation Section III-Principles of Gynecologic Surgical Techniques and Management of Endoscopy 14. Incisions for Gynecologic Surgery 15. Principles of Electrosurgery and Laser as Applied to Gynecology 16. Diagnostic and Operative Laparoscopy 17. Robotic surgery in Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology (title OK?) 18. Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy 19. Control of Pelvic Hemorrhage Section IV-Surgery for Fertility 20. The Impact of Assisted Reproductive Technology on Gynecological Surgery 21. Reconstructive Tubal Surgery 22. Endometriosis Section V-Surgery for Benign Gynecologic Conditions 23. Surgical Conditions of the Vulva 24. Surgical Conditions of the Vagina and Urethra 25. Surgery for Anomalies of the Mullerian Ducts 26. Normal and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 27. Tubal Sterilization 28. Surgery for Benign Disease of the Ovary 29. Persistent or Chronic Pelvic Pain 30. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 31. Leiomyomata Uteri and Myomectomy 32A. Abdominal Hysterectomy 32B. Vaginal Hysterectomy 32C. Laparoscopic Hysterctomy Section VI-Surgery for Obstetrics 33. Management of Abortion 34. Ectopic Pregnancy 35A. Obstetric Problem 35B. Ovarian Tumors Complicating Pregnancy Section VII-Surgery for Corrections of Defects in Pelvic Support and Pelvic Fistulas 36. Pelvic Organ Prolapse 37. Reconstruction of the Anterior Vagina 38. Reconstruction of the Posterior Vagina 39. Vaginal Vault Prolapse 40. The Nonsurgical Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Use of Vaginal Pessaries 41. Stress Urinary Incontinence 42. Operative Injuries to the Ureter 43. Vesicovaginal Fistula and Urethrovaginal Fistula 44. Anal Incontinence and Rectovaginal Fistula Section VIII-Related Surgery 45. Breast Diseases: Benign and Malignant 46. The Vermiform Appendix in Relation to Gynecology 47. Intestinal Tract in Gynecologic Surgery 48. Nongynecologic Conditions Encountered by the Gynecologic Surgeon Section IX-Gynecologic Oncology 49. Malignancies of the Vulva 50. Cervical Cancer Precursor and Their Management 51. Cancer of the Cervix 52. Endometrial Cancer 53. Ovarian Cancer: Etiology, Screening, and Surgery 54. Pelvic Exenteration 55. Surgical Reconstruction of the Pelvis in Gynecologic Cancer Patients |
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