예부터 맑고 투명한 눈과 가지런한 치아배열을 미인의 조건으로 여겼다. 우리의 조상들은 미모의 가장 중요한 조건이 가지런한 치아배열이라고 여겼다.
교정치료를 받으면 치아배열이 가지런해 질 뿐 아니라 발음, 저작, 삼키기 같은 구강기능이 정상으로 되며, 자부심을 높이게 된다.
한국의 경제규모가 세계 10위안에 진입하면서 우리 사회 역시 세계화의 영향을 받게 되었다. 영어로 의사전달이 가능한 많은 외국인들이 한국에 살고 있고, 그들 역시 치아교정 치료에 관한 정보를 얻고 싶어 하지만 이에 관한 책이 없는 실정이다. 이런 사람들에게 치과교정에 관한 정보를 제공하는 것 역시 치과 교정학을 전공한 사람이 해야 할 일 중의 하나라는 생각 때문에 이 책을 쓰게 되었다.
I. A History of Orthodontics 1. Neatly Aligned Teeth Determine One's Beauty 2. Orthodontic Appliances of Prehistoric Ages 3. Life Conditions of Prehistoric Man 4. Evolutionary Changes in the Shape of the Head and Neck
II. Alignment of the Upper and Lower Teeth 5. The Western Perceptions of the Alignment of Teeth 6. Practicing the Orthodontic Treatment 7. Poorly Aligned Teeth Are Causes of the Following Discomforts 8. Neatly Aligned Teeth Give You Following Blessings
III. Breast Feeding and Nursing Bottle 9. Correlation between Feeding and Teeth Alignment
IV. Occlusions 10. The Proper Setting of Teeth 11. Classification of Malocclusion 12. Circumstances where Orthodontic Treatment Is Necessary 13. Best Time for Orthodontic Treatment
V. Various Kinds of Malocclusions 14. Crowding 15. Treatment of Snag Canine 16. Maxillary Protrusion 17. Treatment of Maxillary Protrusion 18. Anterior Openbite 19. Diastema (Space between the Upper Front Teeth) 20. Sparsely Aligned Teeth 21. Special Circumstances 22. Mandibular Prognathism (Long and Tilted Lower Jaw) 23. Treatment of Mandibular Prognathism 24. Orthognathic (Plastic) Surgery
VI. Combination Therapy 25. Combination Therapy for Long and Tilted Lower Jaw 26. Corticotomy 27. Cleft Lip and Palate
VII. Orthodontic Treatment for the Other Purposes 28. Orthodontic Treatment in Case of Accidents 29. Orthodontic Treatment for Temporomandibular(Jaw) Joint30. Orthodontic Treatment in Adults
VIII. Kinds of Orthodontic Appliances and Tooth Brushing 31. Orthodontic Appliances 32. Tooth Brushing Instruction
IX. Pain Associated with Orthodontic Treatment 33. Pain during Tooth Movement
X. Orthodontic Treatment in Reality 34. Examination and Diagnosis Materials 35. Procedure for Orthodontic Treatment 36. Matters that Demand Special Attention During Treatment
XI. Prevention of Malocclusions 37. To Prevent Bad Alignment of Teeth
XII. Other Informations about Orthodontic Treatment 38. Orthodontic Specialist 39. Truth about Orthodontic Treatment 40. Duration of Orthodontic Treatment 41. What Is Considered Good Orthodontic Treatment? 42. Orthodontic Treatment Fees 43. Relapse after Orthodontic Treatment
XIII. Epilogue References and Index |
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