해외주문 도서로 3주 기간이 소요예정입니다
This book contains black-and-white illustrations.
Preface; Part I. Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease: 1. Liver development Yiwei Zong and Joshua R. Friedman; 2. Functional development of the liver Frederick J. Suchy; 3. Mechanisms of bile formation and cholestasis Nitika A. Gupta and Saul J. Karpen; 4. Acute liver failure in children Robert H. Squires and Estella M. Alonso; 5. Cirrhosis and chronic liver failure Evelyn K. Hsu and Karen F. Murray; 6. Portal hypertension Benjamin L. Shneider; 7. Laboratory assessment of liver function and injury in children Vicky Lee Ng; Part II. Cholestatic Liver Disease: 8. Approach to the infant with cholestasis Amy Feldman and Frederick J. Suchy; 9. Medical and nutritional management of cholestasis in infants and children Andrew P. Feranchak, Frederick J. Suchy and Ronald J. Sokol; 10. Neonatal hepatitis and congenital infections Philip Rosenthal; 11. Biliary atresia and other disorders of the extrahepatic bile ducts William F. Balistreri, Jorge A. Bezerra and Frederick C. Ryckman; 12. Neonatal jaundice and disorders of bilirubin metabolism Mark Bartlett and Glenn R. Gourley; 13. Familial hepatocellular cholestasis Frederick J. Suchy, Shikha S. Sundaram and Benjamin L. Shneider; 14. Alagille syndrome Binita M. Kamath, Nancy B. Spinner and David A. Piccoli; 15. Intestinal failure associated liver disease Jason Soden and Ronald J. Sokol; 16. Disease of the gallbladder in infancy, childhood, and adolescence Frank W. DiPaola and James E. Heubi; Part III. Hepatitis and Immune Disorders: 17. Hepatitis A and hepatitis E virus infection Philip Rosenthal; 18. Hepatitis B virus infection Mei-Hwei Chang; 19. Hepatitis C virus infection Maureen M. Jonas; 20. Autoimmune hepatitis Nanda Kerkar and Cara L. Mack; 21. Sclerosing cholangitis Alexander G. Miethke and William F. Balistreri; 22. Drug-induced liver disease Eve A. Roberts; 23. Liver disease in immunodeficiencies Nedim Hadžić; Part IV. Metabolic Liver Disease: 24. Laboratory diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism Piero Rinaldo; 25. α1-antitrypsin deficiency David H. Perlmutter; 26. Cystic fibrosis liver disease Meghana Sathe and Andrew P. Feranchak; 27. Inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism Rana F. Ammoury and Fayez K. Ghishan; 28. Copper metabolism and copper storage disorders Ronald J. Sokol; 29. Iron storage disorders Michael R. Narkewicz and Peter F. Whittington; 30. Heme biosynthesis and the porphyrias Robert J. Desnick, Manisha Balwani and Karl E. Anderson; 31. Tyrosinemia Grant Mitchell, Pierre A. Russo, Josée Dubois and Fernando Alvarez; 32. Lysosomal storage disorders T. Andrew Burrow and Gregory A. Grabowski; 33. Disorders of bile acid synthesis and metabolism Kenneth D. R. Setchell; 34. Inborn errors of fatty acid oxidation Melanie B. Gillingham and Robert B. Steiner; 35. Mitochondrial hepatopathies Ronald J. Sokol; 36. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in children Rohit Kohli, Kevin E. Bove and Stavra A. Xanthakos; 37. Peroxisomal diseases Paul A. Watkins and Kathleen B. Schwarz; 38. Urea cycle disorders Derek Wong and Stephen Cederbaum; Part V. Other Considerations and Issues in Pediatric Hepatology: 39. Bacterial, parasitic, and fungal infections of the liver Donald A. Novak, Gregory Y. Lauwers and Richard L. Kradin; 40. Systemic disease and the liver Kathleen M. Campbell; 41. Fibrocystic liver disease Ronen Arnon, Maureen M. Jonas, Antonio R. Perez-Atayde and Frederick J. Suchy; 42. Tumors of the liver Dolores López-Terrada and Milton J. Finegold; 43. Liver transplantation in children: indications and surgical aspects M. Kyle Jensen, Maria H. Alonso, Jaimie D. Nathan, Frederick C. Ryckman, Gregory M. Tiao and William F. Balistreri; 44. Liver transplantation in children: post-transplant care Estella M. Alonso and Riccardo A. Superina; Index.
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