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Wall & Melzack's Textbook of Pain,6/e 요약정보 및 구매

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  • 정가 : 360,000원 13%↓
  • 판매가 : 310,000원
  • 적립금 : 5,000원
  • 저자명 : McMahon
  • 출판사 : W.B. Saunders
  • PAGE : 1504
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2013/05/02
  • ISBN : 9780702040597

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상품 상세설명

Wall & Melzack's Textbook of Pain,6/e

Apply the latest scientific and clinical advances with Wall & Melzack's Textbook of Pain, 6th Edition. Drs. Stephen McMahon, Martin Koltzenburg, Irene Tracey, and Dennis C. Turk, along with more than 125 other leading authorities, present all of the latest knowledge about the genetics, neurophysiology, psychology, and assessment of every type of pain syndrome. They also provide practical guidance on the full range of today's pharmacologic, interventional, electrostimulative, physiotherapeutic, and psychological management options.

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

Section I: Neurobiology of Pain

1 Peripheral Mechanisms of Cutaneous Nociception

2 Molecular Biology of Sensory Transduction

3 Inflammatory Mediators and Modulators of Pain

4 Microglia: Critical Mediators of Pain Hypersensitivity after Peripheral Nerve Injury

5 Neuroanatomical Substrates of Spinal Nociception

6 Spinal Cord Plasticity and Pain

7 Representation of Pain in the Brain

8 Central Nervous System Mechanisms of Pain Modulation

9 Development of Pain Pathways and Mechanisms

10 Genetics of Pain

11 Animal Models of Pain

12 Ascending Projection Systems

13 Autonomic, Endocrine, and Immune Interactions in Acute and Chronic Pain

14 Itch

Section II: Assessment and Psychology of Pain

15 Gender Differences in Pain and Its Relief

16 Epidemiology of Pain

17 Emotion, Motivation, and Pain

18 Cognitive and Learning Aspects

19 Psychiatric Pain-Associated Co-morbidities

20 Studies of Pain in Human Subjects

21 Pain Measurement in Adult Patients

22 Pain in Older Persons

23 Measurement and Assessment in Pediatric Pain

24 Assessment of Pain Beliefs, Coping and Function

25 Hypnotic Analgesia

26 Pain, Opiates, and Addiction

27 Placebo Analgesia

Section III: Pharmacology and Treatment of Pain

28 Spinal Pharmacology of Nociceptive Transmission

29 Methods of Therapeutic Trials

30 Opioids: Basic Mechanisms

31 Opioids: Clinical Use

32 Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors: Basic Aspects

33 Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors: Clinical Use

34 Antidepressants Analgesics

35 Mechanism of Action of Anticonvulsants as Analgesic Drugs

36 Anticonvulsants: Clinical

37 Local Anaesthetic Blocks and Epidurals

38 Cannabinoids

39 Analgesic Drugs in Development

40 Neurosurgical Approaches to the Treatment of Pain

41 Spinal Cord and Brain Stimulation

42 The Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Pain Management

43 A Critical Appraisal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Section IV: Clinical States: Deep Somatic Tissue

44 Joint Pain: Basic Mechanisms

45 Basic Mechanisms of Muscle Pain

46 Postoperative Pain and Its Management

47 Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

48 Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Myofascial Pain Syndrome

49 Low Back Pain

50 Non-Specific Arm Pain

Section V: Clinical States/Viscera

51 Visceral Pain: Basic Mechanisms

52 Thoracic Pain

53 A Clinical Perspective on Abdominal Pain

54 Genitourinary Pain

55 Obstetric Pain

Section VI: Clinical States/Headache and Facial Pain

56 Trigeminal Mechanisms of Nociception

57 Acute and Chronic Orofacial and Dental Pain

58 Migraine and the Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias

59 Tension-Type Headache

60 Pain in and around the Eye

Section VII: Clinical States/Neuropathic Pain

61 Neuropathic Pain: Pathophysiological Response of Nerves to Injury

62 Animal Models of Experimental Neuropathic Pain

63 Central Consequences of Peripheral Nerve Damage

64 Phantom Limb

65 Painful Peripheral Neuropathies

66 Trigeminal and Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia

67 Complex Regional Pain Syndromes

68 Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury

69 Central Pain

70 Pharmacological Therapy of Neuropathic Pain

71 Surgery for Back and Neck Pain (Including Radiculopathies)

Section VIII: Clinical States/Cancer Pain

72 Cancer Pain: Causes, Consequences, and Therapeutic Opportunities

73 Cancer Pain Assessment and Syndromes

74 Analgesic Therapy and Palliative Care in Children

75 Cancer Pain: Treatment Overview

76 Pain Control in the Care of the Dying


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