도서 소개
상품 상세설명
comprehensive volume provides vital support for both novice and experienced practitioners of Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) by integrating the latest theoretical foundations of NDT with real-life practice examples. The book is the culmination of a 5-year project by instructors of the Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association to develop an up-to-date guide to the neurorehabilitation approach originally developed by Karl and Berta Bobath. With a large section of case studies in the book, additional online case studies, and supplemental materials including videos, tables, and photos, this book makes it simple to learn the practical aspects of neuro-developmental treatment.
Special Features:
Presents the contemporary NDT Theory and Practice Model
Covers the entire what, why, who, and how of NDT
Includes thorough discussions of current and evolving research in neurorehabilitation
Offers insight into treatment techniques through supplemental videos that walk viewers through cases
Presents a detailed look at how occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech-language pathologists practice NDT within the scope of the individual disciplines
Demonstrates case histories visually through tables with baseline information and treatment updates, impairments as related to regions, and proposed interventions with expected impact
Illustrates NDT examination, evaluation, and intervention through a series of case reports spanning from infants to adults with posture and movement disorders
Facilitates learning with a practice model flow chart and schematic included on Thieme's MediaCenter online platform
Provides educators with instructional materials and strategies for entry-level to advanced learners
Written by more than 30 NDT practitioners (OTs, PTs, SLPs) giving a broad range of perspectives
Used as the core textbook in NDT Certificate courses, Neuro-Developmental Treatment: A Guide to NDT Clinical Practice sets the standard in clinical practice for occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech-language pathologists who use, or intend to use, NDT in their work with infants, children, adolescents, and adults with postural and movement disorders.
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