With a focus on evidence-based, state-of-the-art information throughout, the eighth edition of Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine offers authoritative guidance to the wide variety of specialty physicians and non-physicians practicing in the adult intensive care environment. This comprehensive textbook covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of the field, and has been completely updated to provide encyclopedic, interprofessional coverage to support practitioners in every area of this complex field.
Approaches intensive care from an interprofessional, collaborative perspective, encompassing anesthesia, surgery, trauma, and neuro [should this be neurology, or something different?], as well as cardiovascular and medical intensive care.
Maintains a practical, clinically-oriented approach, with comprehensive sections on procedures, techniques, and ultrasound; minimally invasive monitoring; pharmacology, overdoses, and poisoning; infectious disease; transplantation; critical care consequences of agents of mass destruction; and many more.
Features many new chapters, and an entirely new section on Palliative Care and Ethical Issues in the Critical Care Unit.
Reflects the rising importance of point-of-care ultrasonography with five hours of expertly narrated video embedded into 23 relevant chapters, clearly depicting the ideal use of this tool for intensivists.
Includes a section on ICU Design, Organization, Operation, and Outcome Measures that addresses important changes and advances regarding safety, clinical practice guidelines, decreasing the cost of care, tele-ICU, and more.
Provides extensive updates reflecting advances in cardiovascular intensive care, surgical critical care, shock and trauma, and sepsis management.
Includes recommendations reflecting randomized controlled clinical trials, summarized, when possible, in quick-reference tables throughout.
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