도서 소개
상품 상세설명
New chapters have been added to this edition of our book: one on post-surgical imaging and one on the developing role of musculoskeletal ultrasound in telemedicine. Important new insights in the mechanisms of disease are highlighted in Chapter 8. Chapter 15 on interventional musculoskeletal ultrasound covers a subject that represents the fastest growing share of our ultrasound referrals—invasive procedures under ultrasound guidance. This chapter will be useful to those who have already started musculoskeletal ultrasound but would like to expand their scope of services. This new edition emphasizes the use of color Doppler, power color Doppler, and real-time video material stressing the importance real-time ultrasound plays in looking at living anatomy dynamically. Exquisite line diagrams and animations that teach a virtual approach to joints represent new features of this work.
This third edition, intended as an electronic book, combines text, static and dynamic ultrasound images, line drawings, 3-D animations, and variable combinations of audio and video. The glossary and search functions now replace the old index.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
• This is the latest edition of this comprehensive reference guide to the applications of this imaging technique.
• Edited by US- based experts Marnix van Holsbeeck and Joseph Introcaso.
• Intended as an electronic book, combines text, static and dynamic ultrasound images, line drawings, 3-D animations, and variable combinations of audio and video.
• Divided into 23 chapters, beginning with the physical principles of ultrasound imaging.
• Subsequent chapters cover the sonography of particular anatomical structures of the musculoskeletal system, from muscle, ligaments and tendons, to peripheral nerves, skin and bone.
• Later chapters cover the sonography of broader anatomical areas, including shoulder, arm and hand, leg and foot, chest and abdominal wall.
• It reflects the rapid growth of this technique, with more information on ultrasound anatomy, indications for ultrasound examinations, pathology and signs of disease.
• New chapters have been added on Post-surgical imaging, and developing role of musculoskeletal ultrasound in telemedicine.
• Offers a truly interactive feature of the Continuing Medical Education (CME) which will be available shortly as a free downloadable upgrade.
• A new glossary has been included with important terminology.
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