도서 목차
상품 상세설명
SECTION I. THE NORMAL THYROID  PART A. HISTORY, DEVELOPMENT, ANATOMY  Chapter 1 The Heritage of the Thyroid: A Brief History Clark T. Sawin  Chapter 2 Development of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Thyroid Axis Pilar Santisteban  Chapter 3 Anatomy and Pathology of the Thyrotrophs Fabio Rotondo, Kalman Kovacs, and Eva Horvath  PART B. THYROID HORMONE SYNTHESIS AND SECRETION  Chapter 4A Thyroid Hormone Synthesis: Thyroid Iodide Transport Nancy Carrasco  Chapter 4B Thyroid Hormone Synthesis Peter Kopp  Chapter 5 Thyroglobulin Structure, Function, and Biosynthesis Hu00e9ctor M. Targovnik  PART C. PERIPHERAL THYROID HORMONE BINDING AND METABOLISM  Chapter 6 Thyroid Hormone Transport Proteins and the Physiology of Hormone Binding Salvatore Benvenga  Chapter 7 Intracellular Pathways of Iodothyronine Metabolism/Implications of Deiodination for Thyroid Hormone Action Antonio C. Bianco and Brian W. Kim  PART D. THYROID HORMONE ACTION  Chapter 8 Genomic and Nongenomic Actions of Thyroid Hormones Paul M. Yen and Gregory A. Brent  Chapter 9 Thyroid Hormone Structure–Function Relationships Stephen D. Ayers, John D. Baxter, and Paul Webb  PART E. FACTORS THAT CONTROL THYROID FUNCTION  Chapter 10A Chemistry and Biosynthesis of Thyrotropin Ronald N. Cohen and Fredric E. Wondisford  Chapter 10B The Thyrotropin Receptor Gilbert Vassart  Chapter 10C Regulation of Thyrotropin Secretion Anthony N. Hollenberg  Chapter 11A Age Related Changes in Thyroid Function Laura Boucai and Martin I. Surks  Chapter 11B Effects of Drugs on TSH Secretion, Thyroid Hormones Absorption, Synthesis, Metabolism, and Action Su00b4ebastien Thalmann and Christoph A. Meier  Chapter 11C Nonthyroidal Illness Syndrome Wilmar M. Wiersinga and Greet Van den Berghe  Chapter 11D Iodine Deficiency and Endemic Cretinism Michael Zimmerman  Chapter 11E Effect of Excess Iodide: Clinical Aspects Elio Roti and Apostolos G. Vagenakis   SECTION II. ASSESSMENT OF THYROID STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION  Chapter 12 Thyroid Radionuclide Uptake and Imaging Studies Richard L. Wahl  Chapter 13A Measuring Serum Thyroid–Stimulating Hormone, Thyroid Hormones, Thyroid-Directed Antibodies, and Transport Proteins Offie P. Soldin  Chapter 13B Measurement of Thyroglobulin Carole Ann Spencer  Chapter 14 Nonisotopic Techniques of Thyroid Imaging Laszlo Hegeduu00a8 s and Finn Noe Bennedbaek  Chapter 15 Physical Examination of the Thyroid Gland James V. Hennessey  Chapter 16 Pathology and Cytopathology Zubair Wahid Baloch and Virginia A LiVolsi   SECTION III. THYROID DISEASES: THYROTOXICOSIS  Chapter 17 Introduction to Thyrotoxicosis Lewis E. Braverman and David S. Cooper  PART A. CAUSES OF THYROTOXICOSIS  Chapter 18A Pathogenesis of Graves’ Disease Terry F. Davies  Chapter 18B Ophthalmopathy Petros Perros and Jane Dickinson  Chapter 18C Thyroid Dermopathy and Thyroid Acropachy Vahab Fatourechi  Chapter 19 Thyrotropin-Induced Thyrotoxicosis Paolo Beck-Peccoz and Luca Persani  Chapter 20 Toxic Adenoma and Toxic Multinodular Goiter Ralf Paschke  Chapter 21 Trophoblastic Tumors Jerome M. Hershman  Chapter 22 Sporadic Painless, Painful Subacute and Acute Infectious Thyroiditis Alan P. Farwell  Chapter 23 Thyrotoxicosis of Extrathyroid Origin Angela M. Leung and Joshua D. Safer  PART B. ORGAN SYSTEM MANIFESTATIONS  Chapter 24 Overview of the Clinical Manifestations of Thyrotoxicosis Henry B. Burch  Chapter 25 The Cardiovascular System in Thyrotoxicosis Irwin Klein and Sara Danzi  Chapter 26 Thyroid Hormones in Thermogenesis, Intermediary Metabolism, and Obesity Thomas Reinehr  Chapter 27 The Male and Female Reproductive System in Thyrotoxicosis Gerasimos E. Krassas and Nikolaos Pontikides  Chapter 28 The Skeletal System in Thyrotoxicosis Graham R. Williams  Chapter 29 Behavioral and Psychiatric Aspects of Thyrotoxicosis Michael Bauer, Mary Samuels, and Peter C. Whybrow  Chapter 30 Thyrotoxic Storm Leonard Wartofsky  PART C. DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF THYROTOXICOSIS  Chapter 31 Diagnosis of Thyrotoxicosis Paul W. Ladenson  Chapter 32 Treatment of Thyrotoxicosis David S. Cooper  Chapter 33 Subclinical Thyrotoxicosis Douglas S. Ross   SECTION IV. THYROID DISEASES: HYPOTHYROIDISM  Chapter 34 Introduction to Hypothyroidism Lewis E. Braverman and David S. Cooper  PART A. CAUSES OF HYPOTHYROIDISM  Chapter 35 Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis Anthony P. Weetman  Chapter 36 Genetic Defects Causing Hypothyroidism Thomas Vulsma and Jan J.M. de Vijlder  Chapter 37 Primary Hypothyroidism Due to Other Causes Peter A. Singer  Chapter 38 Central Hypothyroidism Luca Persani and Paolo Beck-Peccoz  PART B. ORGAN SYSTEM MANIFESTATIONS OF HYPOTHYROIDISM  Chapter 39 Overview of the Clinical Manifestations of Hypothyroidism Michael T. McDermott  Chapter 40 The Cardiovascular System in Hypothyroidism Irwin Klein and Sara Danzi  Chapter 41 The Male and Female Reproductive System in Hypothyroidism Gerasimos E. Krassas and Nikolaos Pontikides  Chapter 42 The Skeletal System in Hypothyroidism Graham R. Williams  Chapter 43 Psychiatric and Cognitive Effects of Hypothyroidism Kathryn G. Schuff, Mary H. Samuels, Peter C. Whybrow, and Michael Bauer  Chapter 44 Myxedema Coma Leonard Wartofsky  PART C. MANAGEMENT OF HYPOTHYROIDISM  Chapter 45 Diagnosis of Hypothyroidism Paul W. Ladenson  Chapter 46 Treatment of Hypothyroidism Jacqueline Jonklaas  Chapter 47 Subclinical Hypothyroidism Douglas Ross   SECTION V. THYROID DISEASES: NONTOXIC DIFFUSE AND MULTINODULAR GOITER  Chapter 48 Multinodular Goiter: Pathogenesis and Management Hans Graf  Chapter 49 Clinical Evaluation and Management of Thyroid Nodules Susan J. Mandel, Jill E. Langer, and Michael M. Kaplan   SECTION VI. THYROID CANCERS  Chapter 50A Carcinomas of Follicular Epithelium: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis Arthur B. Schneider and Alina V. Brenner  Chapter 50B Molecular Genetics of Tumors of Thyroid Follicular Cells James A. Fagin and Yuri Efimovich Nikiforov  Chapter 50C Carcinoma of the Follicular Epithelium: Surgical Therapy Gregory W. Randolph and Gerard M. Doherty  Chapter 50D Staging and Prognosis of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Richard Kloos  Chapter 50E Medical Management of Differentiated Epithelial Cell Thyroid Cancer Sebastiano Filetti, R. Michael Tuttle, and Steven I. Sherman  Chapter 51 Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Mimi I. Hu, Camilo Jimenez, Gilbert J. Cote, and Robert F. Gagel  Chapter 52 Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer and Miscellaneous Tumors of the Thyroid Joshua P. Klopper, Madeleine A. Kane, and Bryan R. Haugen   SECTION VII. THE THYROID IN INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD  Chapter 53 The Maturation of Thyroid Function in the Perinatal Period and During Childhood Delbert A. Fisher and Rosalind S. Brown  Chapter 54A Hypothyroidism in Infants and Children:Neonatal Screening Guy Van Vliet and Johnny Deladoey  Chapter 54B Hypothyroidism in Infants and Children: Congenital Hypothyroidism Guy Van Vliet and Johnny Deladoey  Chapter 54C Hypothyroidism in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Acquired Hypothyroidism Guy Van Vliet and Johnny Deladoey  Chapter 55 Hyperthyroidism in the Neonatal Period and Childhood Stephen H. LaFranchi and Cheryl
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