도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery is part of the Master Techniques in Surgery Series, which presents common and advanced procedures in the major subspecialties of general surgery. The series is overseen by Josef E. Fischer, MD, editor of the classic two-volume reference Mastery of Surgery.
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery depicts surgery of the liver, hepatobiliary tree, and pancreas, including cholecystectomy and hepatic resections. Both laparoscopic and open procedures are depicted. The book is written by acknowledged master surgeons, emphasizes surgical procedures, and is lavishly illustrated with original full-color drawings. Each chapter briefly assesses indications, contraindications, and preoperative planning before fully explaining and illustrating the procedure in step-by-step detail. Outcomes, complications, and follow-up are also discussed. Each chapter ends with a brief reference list.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I: Pancreas and Biliary Tract 1 Pancreaticobiliary Surgery: General Considerations (Steven C. Cunningham, Aram N. Demirjian, and Richard D. Schulick) 2 Pancreaticoduodenectomy With or Without Pylorus Preservation (Harish Lavu and Charles J. Yeo) 3 Distal Pancreatectomy—Open (Jordan Winter and Peter J. Allen) 4 Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery (Attila Nakeeb) 5 Operative Palliation of Pancreatic Cancer (Kaye M. Reid-Lombardo, Joshua Barton, and Michael G. Sarr) 6 Central Pancreatectomy (Cristina R. Ferrone, Carlos Fern\u00e1ndez-del Castillo, and Andrew L. Warshaw) 7 Total Pancreatectomy (Michael L. Kendrick and Michael B. Farnell) 8 Debridement for Pancreatic Necrosis (Karen Horvath) 9 Enucleation of a Pancreatic Tumor (Henry A. Pitt) 10 The Beger, Frey, and Bern Procedures for Chronic Pancreatitis (Jens Werner and Markus W. B\u00fcchler) 11 Roux-en-Y Lateral Pancreaticojejunostomy for Chronic Pancreatitis (Charles J. Yeo, Eugene P. Kennedy, and Keith D. Lillemoe) 12 Drainage of Pancreatic Pseudocyst (Kfir Ben-David and Kevin E. Behrns) 13 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy With and Without Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration (David B. Renton and W. Scott Melvin) 14 Open Cholecystectomy With Choledochotomy and Common Bile Duct Exploration (Mark P. Callery and Lygia Stewart) 15 Sphincteroplasty of Biliary and Pancreatic Ducts (Thomas J. Howard) 16 Transduodenal Resection of Ampullary Tumor: Pancreas-preserving Duodenal Resection (Kristy L. Rialon and Theodore N. Pappas) 17 Repair of Bile Duct Stricture/Injury and Techniques for Accessing the Proximal Biliary Tree (Chad G. Ball, James J. Mezhir, William R. Jarnagin, and Keith D. Lillemoe) Part II: Liver 18 Hepatic Resection: General Considerations (Jean-Nicolas Vauthey and Junichi Shindoh) 19 Right and Extended Right Hepatectomy (Michael I. Da?歟?Angelica) 20 Left and Extended Left Hepatectomy (J. Peter A. Lodge) 21 Central Hepatectomy (Jonathan B. Koea) 22 Hepatic Caudate Resection (Michael G. House) 23 Right Anterior and Posterior Sectionectomy (Bisegmentectomy) (M.B. Majella Doyle, Adeel S. Khan, and William C. Chapman) 24 Hepatic Segmental Resections (William R. Jarnagin, Charbel Sandroussi, and Paul D. Greig) 25 Enucleation of Hepatic Lesions (Florencia G. Que and Mark D. Sawyer) 26 Resection for Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma (Yugi Nimura) 27 Gallbladder Cancer (David Bentrem and Yuman Fong) 28 Treatment of Liver Cysts (T. Peter Kingham and Ronald P. DeMatteo) 29 Congenital Dilations of the Biliary Tract (Carlos U. Corvera) 30 Vascular Isolation and Techniques of Vascular Reconstruction (Ian McGilvray and Alan W. Hemming) 31 Laparoscopic Partial Hepatectomy (Michael D. Kluger and Daniel Cherqui)
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