Softcover -352 pages • Focus on essential information and master it efficiently with thoroughly updated, high-yield coverage of all of the specialty and subspecialty knowledge tested on the most recent USMLE™ Step 2 exam, so you can be sure you're studying the material you really need to know. • Spend more time studying and less time searching thanks to a well-written, easily accessible approach, with plenty of helpful lists and tables to highlight high-yield data. • Benefit from an abundance of tips, insights, and guidance to help you maximize your score and get the most benefit from computer-based simulations. • Review the full gamut of essential subjects with coverage of epidemiology and biostatistics, pharmacology and microbiology, cardiac physiology, and basic EKG pathology, as well as common and life-threatening diseases encountered in orthopedics, urology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, pediatrics, vascular surgery, and other subspecialties. • Get the fresh perspective and insight of new authors, Drs. O’Connell and Movalia, both successful authors of review products. • Learn from the experience of the Resident Review Board, comprised of high-scoring individuals, who reviewed the book to ensure relevancy and accuracy. • Confidently prepare for the boards with the text that is trusted and recommended by thousands of medical students and has been reviewed by a board of high-performing (99th percentile) students. • Enhance your learning and understanding with thoroughly updated images throughout including a chapter dedicated to full-color, high-yield images (with additional images accessible on your smart phone via QR codes). • Challenge your knowledge with USMLE style questions at the end of most chapters, additional online review questions, and bonus images and questions accessible on your smart phone via QR codes. Trusted and recommended by thousands of top performing medical students |
1. Cardiovascular Medicine
2. Dermatology
3. Ear, Nose, and Throat
4. Emergency Medicine
5. Endocrinology
6. Ethics and Patient Encounters
7. Gastroenterology
8. General Surgery
9. Genetics
10. Geriatrics
11. Gynecology
12. Hematology
13. Immunology
14. Infectious Disease
15. Internal Medicine
16. Laboratory Medicine
17. Nephrology
18. Neurology
19. Neurosurgery
20. Obstetrics
21. Oncology
22. Ophthalmology
23. Orthopedic Surgery
24. Pediatrics
25. Pharmacology
26. Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics
27. Psychiatry
28. Pulmonology
29. Radiology
30. Rheumatology
31. Urology
32. Vascular Surgery
33. Photos, Images, and Multimedia
34. Signs, Symptoms, and Syndromes
Appendix: Abbreviations
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