도서 소개
상품 상세설명
In this book is found the information essential to diagnosing, managing and treating the lung complications of connective tissue diseases. This is a notoriously difficult area, which continues to puzzle clinicians, despite the fact that these disorders are increasingly frequent (as a result of longer survival in connective tissue disease).
In separate chapters, the major connective tissue diseases are reviewed, with detailed discussion of a variety of lung abnormalities, including pleural disease, parenchymal lung disease and pulmonary vascular disease. There are also invaluable overviews of lung histological and CT appearances in these disorders, and a deeply insightful chapter on drug-induced lung disease in connective tissue disease. The emphasis in this book is on accuracy of evaluation and the construction of a logical management plan, based on disease severity and intrinsic progressiveness.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I. Pathology.
1. Lung pathology in connective tissue diseases (D. Tansey, A.G.
Part II. Radiologic investigations in connective tissue diseases.
2. High resolution computed tomography of the lungs (T. Franquet).
Part III. Pulmonary hypertension.
3. Pulmonary arterial hypertension in connective tissue disease (C.
Denton, C. Black).
Part IV. Vasculitides.
4. Wegener's granulomatosus: a pulmonary perspective (P. Lamprecht,
A. Schnabel, W.L. Gross). 5. Vasculitic syndromes other than
Wegener's granulomatosus (A. Bennett, D. D'Cruz).
Part V. Pulmonary involvement in connective tissue disorders.
6. Lung disease in lupus (A. Kao, J. Sabatine, S. Manzi). 7.
Pulmonary involvement in the anti-phospholipid syndrome (G. Espinosa
et al.). 8. Rheumatoid arthritis and the lung (J. David, S. Edmonds).
9. Sjogren's syndrome and the lung (P. Papiris, H. Moutsopoulos). 10.
Interstitial disease in systemic sclerosis (N. Goh, R. du Bois). 11.
Pulmonary complications of polymyositis and dermatomyositis (J. Deng,
M. Keane, J. Lynch III). 12. Pulmonary involvement in miscellaneous
connective tissue diseases (A. Wells, G. Davies).
Part VI. Drug-induced respiratory disease.
13. Drug induced respiratory disease in connective tissue disease (P.
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