도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Part of the successful, Master Medicine series (formerly Churchill's
Mastery of Medicine ), this core text is concise, highly readable and
well illustrated. Approached from the point of view of what medical
students need to know in order to understand the clinical work they
will eventually be doing. It is ideal for self-directed learning and
includes a variety of self assessment exercises, with full answers,
to reinforce the messages and to help students prepare for exams.
`....the book tackles what traditionally has been one of the least
favourite subject, Anatomy, well and backs the text with appropriate
diagrams...What will set this book apart from the rest of anatomy
books, I feel, is clinical content. Relating clinical situations to
anatomy is what this book does well'
`The self-assessment sections at the end of the chapters are
excellent. They are extremely comprehensive and test the knowledge of
the students using a range of scenarios. the questions are quite
similar to what we would expect in an exam situation... In summary I
would say that the book is well thought out and written. It makes
anatomy easy to understand and almost enjoyable to read!'
4th year medical student - Leicester
Short and succinct - can be read and revised from quickly
Clinical emphasis throughout - so it's clear why something needs to
be understood - and it therefore 'sticks' better
First (shorter ) section reviews the systems - eminently suitable for
new medical courses
The main part of the book takes a regional approach - the best way to
understand anatomy - the classical approach
Self-assessment throughout - to help prepare for exams and to test
Over 200 clear black and white line drawings - simple enough for the
student to reproduce themselves when studying
Some clinical photographs/scans - to make links to the eventual
clinical situation
Written by an accomplished author in an appealing style - easy to
read and remember
Part of a successful series - amongst the 'first wave' of new MM
books (formerly Churchill's Master Medicine series) - so the book
won't get lost and will get reinforcement from other books in series
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