도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This aptly titled atlas is a collection of photographs, drawings, and radiographs that provide visual clues for making the proper diagnosis for a myriad of pediatric disorders. The accompanying text is presented in outline form to facilitate rapid answers to vexing clinical conditions. This book is intended as a quick, ""real time"" reference for front-line healthcare providers for children. This is a laudable goal; clinicians frequently do not have enough time to peruse full-length texts with standard prose. The combination of clinical photographs and summaries of the features of many disorders provide numerous ""pearls"" that will aid in diagnosis and management. Unfortunately, too much of the focus of the book is on unusual entities, with a dearth of photographs and information on the common, but more mundane, illnesses seen by clinicians. Although the authors suggest that the text will be useful to pediatricians, emergency room physicians, physician extenders, residents, medical students, and educators, the book is best suited for those clinicians who already have extensive experience. The outline format is occasionally cryptic; a working knowledge of pediatrics is needed to best understand it. The authors have a wealth of clinical experience; this is apparent throughout the text. In this book, a wide variety of outpatient and inpatient pediatric disorders are covered, many of which are rare or have unusual features. The various illnesses are grouped by organ system into chapters. The photography is truly outstanding, perhaps the best I have ever seen in a medical text. The quality of the photographs would be useful to the clinician confronted by a child with a puzzlingpresentation, and the various tables and charts in the book enable rapid review of the salient features of the disorder identified. In addition to the outline text, for each clinical entity covered, the authors include facts that are highlighted by bold print, or borders, and frequently include a ""key points"" section. The most significant shortcoming to the book is that it lacks a truly systematic approach. There are some glaring omissions, such as no photographs or discussion of otitis media. At its best, this book yields a rapid and succinct answer to a specific question. Even the seasoned clinician will learn new facts from the book, particularly regarding the unusual entity. The book is less successful as a comprehensive guide. The reader occasionally has the feeling that the authors combined the photographs that they had and included these in the atlas rather than attempting to define and include those conditions that are important and/or difficult to diagnose and manage. There is no natural flow to the chapters; fortunately the index is detailed and excellent. The lack of references (other than a ""suggested reading"" list) is something of a concern, especially since the outline text comes across as dogmatic. Although this book has superior photographs and more manageable text, Zitelli's Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis, 2nd Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1992) is a more thorough and useful clinical reference.
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