도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Written for diverse medical professionals and students alike, this reference focuses on treatment of lymphedema and related conditions, as well as intervention techniques. Zuther, a decongestive physioterapist and founder of the Academy of Lymphatic Studies in Florida, explores the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of lymphatic insufficiencies; presents information about complete decongestive therapy; and provides insight into treatment methods. He also offers advice about setting up and administering a lymphedema clinic. Each color-tabbed chapter concludes with suggestions for further reading. The book includes sample forms and templates (lymphedema evaluation, physical examination), as well as a glossary, photos, drawings, and illustrations in b&w and color accompany.
Gain a full understanding of all aspects of modern lymphedema management with this comprehensive reference. Covering everything from anatomy, physiology, and pathology to detailed treatment techniques and patient education, the book is complete and clinically useful in every situation involving lymphedema.
Special features:
·Clearly outlines anatomy, physiology, and pathology for easy mastery of the complex lymphatic system
·Includes detailed, hands-on treatment techniques, with a special focus on Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder Technique) and Complete Decongestive Therapy
·Offers complete coverage of primary and secondary lymphedemas, including the extremities, head and face, external genitalia, pediatric lymphedemas, malignancies, and more
·Covers therapeutic approaches to wound care of skin lesions associated with lymphedema and venous insufficiencies
·Details step-by-step measurement techniques for swollen extremities and compression garments
·Includes helpful instructions on self-management issues, such as the do's and don'ts of self-bandaging, self-MLD, skin care, and more
Comprehensive and practical for daily use, the book even includes administrative tips on billing, marketing, sample forms, and guidelines for setting up a lymphedema treatment center. For any level of training--physicians, therapists, nurses, students, and patients--this straightforward text will answer all your questions on lymphedema management to maximize your treatment success.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Anatomy 1
2 Physiology 29
3 Pathology 45
4 Complete decongestive therapy 101
5 Treatment 133
6 Administration 225
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