도서 소개
상품 상세설명
The book contains black-and-white illustrations.
From The Critics
Mark H. Gonzalez
This is a current treatise on fractures and ligament injuries about the hand in adults and children. The purpose is to provide hand surgeons the most up-to-date information on hand injuries. The book is written for a surgeon who specializes in hand surgery or for a fellow in hand surgery. The authorship is credible and involves experts from across continental Europe and the U.K. The book is divided into three sections: Fracture Management, Intraarticular Fractures and Ligament Injuries, and Injuries in Children. It is comprehensive and includes biomechanics of fractures, conservative treatment, and multiple methods of operative treatment. The chapters are well written and follow a very coherent progression with minimal overlap. The book represents a European authorship and is a very timely, up-to-date work in fractures and joint injuries in the hand, both in the adult and the child. This is an excellent addition to the hand surgery literature.
Doody Review Services
Reviewer: Mark H Gonzalez, MD (University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine)
Description: This is a current treatise on fractures and ligament injuries about the hand in adults and children.
Purpose: The purpose is to provide hand surgeons the most up-to-date information on hand injuries.
Audience: The book is written for a surgeon who specializes in hand surgery or for a fellow in hand surgery. The authorship is credible and involves experts from across continental Europe and the U.K.
Features: The book is divided into three sections: Fracture Management, Intraarticular Fractures and Ligament Injuries, and Injuries in Children. It is comprehensive and includes biomechanics of fractures, conservative treatment, and multiple methods of operative treatment. The chapters are well written and follow a very coherent progression with minimal overlap.
Assessment: The book represents a European authorship and is a very timely, up-to-date work in fractures and joint injuries in the hand, both in the adult and the child. This is an excellent addition to the hand surgery literature.
Because fractures of the metacarpals and phalanges and sprains involving these bones are the most common injuries of the human skeletal system, non-specialists are often expected to treat such injuries. To address this concern, over 60 medical experts from all over Europe have contributed to design this text, including over 300 photographs, radiographs, and line drawings, which presents up-to-date developments in treating fractures and dislocations of the fingers. Chapters cover topics such as fracture management, metacarpal and phalangeal fractures, post-traumatic sequelae of fractures, intra- articular fractures and ligament injuries, metacarpophalangeal joints, and injuries to children. Distributed by Blackwell Science. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Bruser, Peter, MD (Malteser Krankenhaus Bonn-Hardtberg, Bonn); Gilbert , Alain, MD (Institut de la Main, Paris)
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