도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Features *Extensive coverage of arthritis and metabolic disorders. Will assist the orthopedic surgeon in practice and in training. These are conditions that they see most often. They are not adequately covered in other orthopedic pathology texts which tend to focus more on bone tumors. *Clinical images are directly correlated with histologic and radiographic studies. Assists comprehension by relating pathology to clinical situations. (Orthopods tend to read their own X-Ray, CT, MR images) *Completely revised and up-dated with greater emphasis on differential diagnosis and new diagnostic techniques such as immunhistochemistry and cytogenetics. Provides the reader with a full diagnostic work-up *Nearly 2,000 histomicrographs, radiographs, and art works. Provides a complete visual route map to assist in diagnosis and interpretation of pathologic conditions. *Comprehensive coverage of musculoskeletal pathology. Provides in a single resource information that one would otherwise have to buy a book on metabolic bone disease, another on arthritis and a third on neoplasms. *Includes a section on normal bone structure and development. Understanding of normal anatomy, histology and cytology facilitates the recognition of disease processes
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Normal structure and development
Methods of Examination
Imaging Techniques
Injury and Repair
Bone and Joint Infection
Diseases resulting from Abnormal Synthesis of Matrix Components
Diseases resulting from Disturbances in Cell Linkage
Bone Disease resulting from Disturbances in Mineral Homostasis
Accumulation of Abnormal Metabolic Products and Various Hematologic
The Pathophysiology of Arthritis
The Noninflammatory Arthritides
The Inflammatory Arthritides
Spinal Arthritis and Degenerative Disk Disease
Tissue Response to Implanted Prostheses
Bone Forming Tumors and Tumor Like Conditions
Cartilage Forming Tumors and Tumor Like Conditions
Fiber Forming Tumors and Tumor Like Conditions
Benign Non Matrix Producing Bone Tumors
Malignant Non Matrix Producing Bone Tumors
Benign Soft Tissue Tumors
Malignant Soft Tissur Tumors
Miscellaneous Orthopedic Conditions
Author Information
Peter G. Bullough, MB, ChB, Director of Laboratory Medicine, Hospital
for Special Surgery; Professor of Pathology, Weill Medical College of
Cornell University, New York, NY
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