도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Chapter 1---Cardiac Electrical Stimulation
Chapter 2---Principes of Defibrillation: Cellular Physiology to fields and waveforms
Chapter 3---Sensing and Arrhythmia Detection by implantable devices
Chapter 4---Engineering and construction of pacemaker and defibrillation leads
Chapter 5: Sensors in implantable devices?incldues information on chronotropic incompetence
Chapter 6---Power sources for implantable devices
Chapter 7---Pacemaker/ICD Circuitry/Remote Telemetry
Chapter 8---Device Nomenclature
Chapter 9---Basic Physiology and Hemodynamics of Cardiac Pacing, including ventricular contraction and resynchronization
Chapter 10---Clinical Trials of Bradycardia Pacing
Chapter 11---Clinical Trials of Defibrillator Therapy
Chapter 12---Clinical Trials of Resynchronization Therapy
Chapter 13---Pacing for Sinus Node Disease; including pacing for prevention of atrial tachycarrhythmias
Chapter 14---Pacing for Conduction System Disease
Chapter 15---Pacing for Neurally Mediated Syndromes (CSH, et al.)
Chapter 16---Sensor Driven Pacing: Device Specifics: Activity, Accelerometers, MV, QT
Chapter 17---Defibrillation testing, including ATP and preventive pacing
Section 3 Implantation Techniques
Chapter 18---Implantation of pacemakers and defibrillators
Chapter 19---Implantation of the left ventricular lead
Chapter 20---Approach to Pulse Generator Changes
Chapter 21---Management of Implant Complications
Chapter 22---Techniques and devices for lead extraction
Chapter 23---Radiography of implantable devices
Chapter 24---Timing Cycles of Implantable Devices
Chapter 25---Pacemaker Troubleshooting and follow-up (no BiV PM)
Chapter 26---ICD Troubleshooting and follow-up (no BiV ICD)
Chapter 27---Troubleshooting, follow-up and programming of BiV devices (including echo optimization)
Chapter 28---Follow-up, and interpretation of implantable syncope monitors
Chapter 29---EMI and Implantable Devices
Chapter 30---Pediatric Pacing and Implantable Defibrillator Therapy
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