도서 소개
상품 상세설명
An authoritative and comprehensive collection of cutting-edge reviews by leading authorities detailing the scientific evidence for the health effects of vitamins, minerals, functional foods, and other classes of foods. The authors provide readers with updated recommendations on a wide range of significant nutritional questions, including the cardiovascular effects of homocysteine and dietary fats; the importance of antioxidants and soy isoflavones with respect to heart disease and cancer; and the use of dietary modifications in the prevention and/or treatment of blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Richly insightful and up-to-date, Nutritional Health: Strategies for Disease Prevention offers sound advice on optimizing our nutritional habits, as well as a valuable guide to the growing body of literature that shows how nutritional interventions have become essential to reducing the risk of chronic disease.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Impact of Nutritional Epidemiology
Barrie Margetts
2. Challenges in Research in Nutritional Epidemiology
David Jacobs
3. The Nutrition Transition is Speeding Up : A Global Perspective
Barry Popkin
4. Medical Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes : Prioritizing Recommendations Based on Evidence
Marion Franz
5. Diet and the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes
Norman Temple; Nelia Steyn
6. Diet and the Control of Blood Lipids
Tricia Psota; Sarah Gebauer; Gigi Meyer; Penny Kris-Etherton
7. Diet and Blood Pressure : Moving Beyond Preoccupation With Salt to Composite Dietary Patterns
Karen Charlton
8. Fish, n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease
Jayne Woodside; Ian Young
9. Diet and Cancer Prevention
Cindy Davis; John Milner
10. Health Benefits of Phytochemicals in Whole Foods
Rui Liu
11. Herbs as Useful Adjuncts to Manage Chronic Diseases
Winston Craig
12. What Are the Health Implications of Alcohol Consumption?
Eric Rimm; Norman Temple
13. Diet in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity
Sahaspahorn Paeratakul; George Bray; Barry Popkin
14. Diets and Exercise Programs for Weight Loss
Lisa Sanders; Kathleen Page; Dena Bravata; Marguerite Brainerd
15. The Developmental Origins of Chronic Disease in Adult Life
David Barker
16. Trends in Dietary Guidelines Around the Global Village
Jayne Woodside; Geraldine Cuskelly; Norman Temple
17. Marketing Dietary Supplements for Health and Profit
Norman Temple; Diane Morris
18. Optimizing Nutrition for Exercise and Sports
Richard Kreider; Brian Leutholtz
19. Novel Foods : Today's Functional Foods Marketplace
Jill Rippe
20. Functional Foods : A Critical Appraisal
Ted Wilson; David Jacobs
21. Use of Biotechnology to Improve Food Production and Quality
Travis Knight; Donald Beitz
22. Food Industry and Political Influences on American Nutrition
Marion Nestle; Ted Wilson; Audrey Balay-Karperien
23. Population Nutrition, Health Promotion, and Government Policy
Norman Temple; Marion Nestle
24. Dietary Intake, Cardiovascular Disease, and Sociodemographic Characteristics
Lyn Steffen
25. Core Concepts in Nutritional Anthropology
Sera Young; Gretel Pelto
26. Nutrition on the Internet
Tony Helman
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