도서 소개
상품 상세설명
The aim of this book is to provide a concise and understandable review of the physics, mathematics, statistics, physiology and pharmacology of anaesthesia. A revised edition of a book originally titled Anaesthetic Data Interpretation, the new title better reflects the contents of the book. There are several additional chapters relevant to the Primary FRCA examination. New topics covered include the ventilatory response to oxygen and carbon dioxide, which is now a core knowledge requirement, new concepts in cardiovascular physiology, receptor types and the molecular actions of anaesthetics. Some of the revisions reflect advances in technology; for example, the uses of the capnograph and the oxygen analyser have advanced considerably in recent years. Basic Science for Anaesthetists is a concise and informative text which will be invaluable for trainee anaesthetists, and an aid to teaching for the trainers.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I. Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Anaesthetic Apparatus
1. Gas compression, relationship of volume, pressure and temperature
2. Real gas compression
3. Flow and resistance
4. Heat, vaporization and humidification
5. Simple mechanics 1: mass, force, pressure
6. Simple mechanics 2: work and power
7. Mathematical concepts
8. Exponentials 1: the curves
9. Exponentials 2: properties of exponential decay curve
10. Descriptive statistics
11. Presentation of data
12. Receiver operating characteristic curve
13. Gas supply and pressure
14. The circle system
15. The Mapleson A (Magill) breathing system
16. T-pieces
17. Lung filling with automatic lung ventilators
Part II. Clinical Measurement
1. Basic measurement concepts
2. Electromanometers, frequency response and damping
3. Pulse oximeter principle
4. Oxygen content and oxygen tension measurement 5. Capnography
6. [H+], pH and its measurement
7. Principles of measurement of volume and flow in gases and liquids
8. Cardiac output measurement by thermal dilution technique
9. Measurement of the mechanical properties of the chest
10. Lung volumes and their measurement
Part III a: Physiology: the Cardiovascular System
1. The cardiac cycle and the intravascular pressure waveforms
2. Cardiovascular effects of intermittent positive pressure ventilation
3. Control of cardiac output, regulation of cardiac function
4. Cardiac cycle: pressure-volume relationships
5. Blood pressure and blood volume relationship
6. Cerebral blood flow
7. Coronary circulation
Part III b: Physiology: The Respiratory System
1. Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
2. Respiratory mechanics 1: Static properties, factors affecting compliance, closing volume
3. Respiratory mechanics 2: Dynamic properties, factors affecting resistance
4. Ventilation-perfusion relationship
5. Oxygen cascade, oxygen therapy and shunt fraction
6. Gas R line, solution of the ventilation/perfusion model
7. Ventilatory response to oxygen
8. Ventilatory response to carbon dioxide
Part IV. Pharmacology
1. Drug elimination
2. Uptake and distribution of inhalational anaesthetic agents
3. Pharmacodynamic effects of drugs
4. Minimum alveolar concentration and lipid solubility 5. Receptor types, molecular action of anaesthetics
6. Context sensitive half-time.
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