도서 소개
상품 상세설명
The classic reference on female incontinence was updated and revised to become a modern approach to all female pelvic floor dysfunctions, including urinary incontinence, other lower urinary tract conditions, disorders of the anus and rectum, and disorders of pelvic support. The book reviews relevant anatomy, describes the clinical examination and diagnostic tests, and provides current information on the diagnosis, physiology, and medical and surgical treatment of specific disorders.
This edition describes many new surgical techniques for correcting incontinence and discusses new drugs and injectables for incontinence. The book also describes the use of biosynthetic material to aid in surgical repair.
Anatomy of the Pelvic Viscera
Geoffrey W. Cundiff
Epidemiology of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence
Steven Swift
Outcomes Assessment
Brian S. Yamada and Kathleen C. Kobashi
Physiology of Lower Urinary Tract: Bladder and Urethra
Toby C. Chai and Gopal N. Gupta
Basic Evaluation of the Incontinent Female Patient
Steven E. Swift and Alfred E. Bent
Victor W. Nitti and Melissa C. Fischer
Geoffrey W. Cundiff and Alfred E. Bent
Painful Conditions of the Lower Urinary Tract including Painful Bladder Syndrome
Steven E. Swift, Toby Chai, and Alfred E. Bent
Pelvic Floor Tension Myalgia
Richard P. Marvel
Lower Urinary Tract Infection
Mickey M. Karram and Sam Siddighi
Management of Overactive Bladder
Joseph M. Montella
Intractable Overactive Bladder Neuromodulation and Botulinum Toxin Therapy
Mary T. McLennan
Conservative Therapy for Stress Incontinence
Laura Scheufele and Karen Abraham
Surgical Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Matthew D. Barber
Periurethral Bulking
Alfred E. Bent
Mixed Urinary Incontinence
Patrick J. Woodman
Fistula and Urethral Diverticulum
Ralph Raymond Chesson, Jr. and Okechukwu Anthony Ibeanu
Voiding Dysfunction
Jennifer Miles-Thomas and E. James Wright
Preoperative and Postoperative Complications and Management
Matthew Fagan
Physiology, Pathophysiology
Robert E. Gutman
Evaluation of Colorectal Dysfunction
Marc R. Toglia
Anal Incontinence
Mikio Albert Nihira and Okey Ibeanu
Defecatory Dysfunction
R. Mark Ellerkmann
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Disorders of Pelvic Support
Victoria L. Handa
The Clinical Evaluation of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Geoffrey W. Cundiff
Diagnostic Testing of Disorders of Pelvic Support
Olugbenga A. Adekanmi and Robert M. Freeman
Overview of Treatment
Joseph Schaffer, David Rahn, and Cecilia Wieslander
Anterior Wall Support Defects
Stephen B. Young and Scott M. Kambiss
Apical Support Defects
Robert E. Gutman
Posterior Support Defects
Joan L. Blomquist and Geoffrey W. Cundiff
Obliterative Procedures
Thomas L. Wheeler, II and Holly E. Richter
Sutures and Grafts in Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
Marjorie Jean-Michel and G. Willy Davila
Appendix I
Joseph M. Montella and Steven E. Swift
Appendix II
Steven E. Swift
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