도서 소개
상품 상세설명
With an editorial team of leading experts from the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Heart Association, this book is the first complete, clinically oriented reference textbook in emergency cardiovascular care and CPR. The book translates bench research to the clinician's bedside needs and addresses end-of-life issues. The content is appropriate for a large audience including early caregivers, emergency department and CCU nurses, students, residents, fellows, and hospitalists responsible for cardiovascular emergency situations.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES: Pathophysiology and Initial Triage of Acute Coronary Syndromes, John M. Field / Sudden Cardiac Death: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Future Directions, Steven H. Mitchell and Graham Nichol / Evaluation, Differential Diagnosis, and Approach to the Patient with Potential Acute Coronary Syndrome, Judd E. Hollander / Community and Pre-Hospital Strategies for Managing Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients, Joseph P. Ornato / Emergency Department Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes, Charles V. Pollack, Jr. and Richard W. Summers / Heart Failure and Acute Pulmonary Edema in the Emergency Department, W. Frank Peacock / Cardiogenic Shock Complicating Acute Coronary Syndromes, John M. Field / Ultrasonography in Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Anthony J. Dean and Sarah A. Stahmer
BASIC LIFE SUPPORT: Pathophysiology of Cardiac Arrest, Karl B. Kern / Circulatory Adjuncts to Improve Coronary Perfusion Pressure, Karl B. Kern / Basic Life Support: Science to Survival, Michael R. Sayre and Diana M. Cave
DEFIBRILLATION: Restoring Life: The Story of Human Defibrillation, Mark E. Silverman / Defibrillation: Clinical Practice, Vincent N. Mosesso, Jr. and Cheryl Rickens / Ventricular Fibrillation and Defibrillation: Experimental and Clinical Experience with Waveforms and Energy, Roger D. White and Richard Kerber
AIRWAY MANAGEMENT IN BASIC AND ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT: Respiratory Physiology in ECC: Principles of Oxygenation and Ventilation, Elizabeth H. Sinz and Kane High / Monitoring and Maintaining a Patent Airway, Elizabeth H. Sinz and Kane High / Oxygen Administration and Supraglottic Airways, Michael Shuster / Endotracheal Intubation: Management of the Difficult Airway, Kane High
ARRHYTHMIAS: Life-Threatening Arrhythmias: Evaluation, Identification, and Assessment, Peter J. Kudenchuk / The Electrophysiology of Arrhythmias, Peter J. Kudenchuk / Pulseless Cardiac Arrest, Peter J. Kudenchuk / Tachycardia with Pulses—Narrow and Wide, Peter J. Kudenchuk / Bradycardia, Peter J. Kudenchuk / Electrical Therapies, Peter J. Kudenchuk
PHARMACOLOGY IN ECC: Drugs for Control of Rhythm, Peter J. Kudenchuk / Cardiovascular Function and Vascular Tone-Physiology for ECC, Raúl J. Gazmuri and Beatrice M. Correa / Nonadrenergic Vasopressors in ECC, Helmut Raab, Martin Dünser, and Volker Wenzel
PERI-ARREST MANAGEMENT: Pre-Arrest Management, MaryAnn Peberdy / Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome and Management, Robert W. Neumar and Jerry Nolan
SPECIAL RESUSCITATION SITUATIONS: Toxicology in Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Allan R. Mottram and Timothy B. Erickson / Drowning, David Szpilman, Anthony J. Handley, Joost Bierens, Linda Quan, and Rafael Vasconcellos / Hypothermia, Eric A. Weiss / Electrical Injuries, Mary Ann Cooper, Chris Andrews, and Ronald L. Holle / Life-Threatening Asthma, Jill M. Baren / Anaphylaxis, Michael E. Winters / Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pregnancy, Carolyn M. Zelop and Edward P. Grimes / Trauma, C. James Holliman
STROKE: Stroke, Edward C. Jauch and Todd J. Crocco
ETHICS: Ethics in Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Kenneth V. Iserson
EDUCATION AND RESEARCH: Careers in Resuscitation Medicine, Benjamin S. Abella and Lance B. Becker / Education in Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Mary Fran Hazinski et al.
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