도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Comprehensive Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 2nd Edition, edited by John W. Hallett, Jr., MD, FACS, Joseph L. Mills, MD, Jonothan Earnshaw, DM, FRCS, Jim A. Reekers, MD, PhD, and Thom Rooke, MD delivers in-depth, clinically focused coverage of all aspects of vascular surgery in an exceptionally well-designed single reference. Each disease chapter follows the same consistent format, for quick consultation and better comprehension. The revised 2nd Edition features several new chapters, increased endovascular treatment coverage, and updated data from the latest trials...bringing you the newest advances from the field. More than 1,000 photographs, line drawings and tables—including many revised illustrations now in color—depict key concepts and procedures. With its practical user friendly approach—and online access through Expert Consult functionality—this resource offers convenient access to complete guidance.
Key Features
Presents the work of a team of nearly 80 internationally respected vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists who focus on the issues and challenges you face in everyday practice.
Uses a highly structured, templated format in each chapter to quickly and consistently deliver information on basic science, clinical presentation, non-invasive testing, medical management, surgical management, complications, outcome, and follow up—making information easy to access and understand.
Includes Key Points boxes in every chapter that allow for quick reference and efficient study.
Features over 1,000 photographs, line drawings, charts and tables that make important information easy to comprehend.
Integrates clinical information with basic science making the material relevant to everyday practice.
Covers treatment and interventions from an evidence-based perspective, whenever possible.
Provides short, clinical vignettes in the same style as those found on oral exams.
New to this Edition
Provides online access to the text via expertconsult.com where you can perform quick searches of the complete contents, download all of the images, further your study with bonus review and self assessment questions, and follow links to PubMed abstracts for convenient consultation whwere and when you need it most.
Offers new chapters on vascular diagnosis, graft infections, aortic dissection, and visceral aneurysms for greater coverage of the field.
Includes a significant increase in endovascular treatment coverage in many of the chapters, reflecting the growing need for experience in these procedures.
Presents current data from DREAM and EVAR 1 and 2 trials.
Features a revised artwork program—including many revised illustrations and former black and white images now in color—for an enhanced visual understanding of concepts.
Includes bonus review and self assessment questions accompany the online version.
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