도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Establishing the Diagnosis of HIV Infection, Bernard M. Branson, J. Steven McDougal
2. Primary Care In Developed Countries, David H. Spach, Kenneth H. Mayer
3. Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and Comprehensive HIV Care in Resource-Limited Settings, Moses R. Kamya, Jonathan Mermin, Jonathan E. Kaplan
4. Strategic Use of Antiretroviral Therapy, Michael S. Saag
5. Zidovudine, Jeffrey L. Lennox, Margaret A. Fischl
6. Didanosine, Raphael Dolin
7. Zalcitabine, John A. Bartlett
8. Stavudine, Andrew T. Pavia
9. Lamivudine, James H. Willig, Joseph J. Eron, Jr.
10. Emtricitabine, Michael J. Mugavero, Melissa F. Wellons
11. Abacavir, Victoria A. Johnson
12. Delavirdine, Lisa M. Demeter, Richard C. Reichman
13. Nevirapine, Marianne Harris, Carlos Zala, Robert Hogg, Julio S.G. Montaner
14. Efavirenz, Schlomo Staszewski
15. Saquinavir, Anton Posniak
16. Ritonavir, Sven A. Danner
17. Indinavir, Roy Gulick
18. Nelfinavir, Miguel A. Goicoechea, Richard H. Haubrich
19. Fosamprenavir and Amprenavir, Roger Paredes, Lidia Ruiz, Bonaventura Clotet
20. Lopinavir, Steven C. Johnson, Daniel R. Kuritzkes
21. Atazanavir, Graeme Moyle
22. Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate, Craig J. Hoesley
23. Enfuvirtide, J. Michael Kilby
24. Inhibiting the Entry of R5 and X4 HIV-1 Phenotypic Variants, Shawn E. Kuhmann, Roy M. Gulick, John P. Moore
25. Tipranavir, Véronique Joly, Patrick Yeni
26. Darunavir, Jose Gatell
27. New Agents, Martin S. Hirsch
28. General Immune-based Therapies in the Management of HIV Infected Patients, Irini Sereti, Joseph A. Kovacs
29. Therapeutic Vaccines, Anna R. Thorner, Dan H. Barouch
30. Pharmacogenetics of Antiretroviral Agents, Catia Marzolini, Richard Kim, Amalio Telenti
31. Complementary and Alternative Therapies, Jason Tokumoto, Donald I. Abrams
32. Acute HIV Infection, Martin Markowitz
33. Occupational and Nonoccupational Exposure Management, Adelisa L. Panlilio, Lisa A. Grohskopf
34. HIV Resistance Testing in Clinical Practice, Clive Loveday
35. Managing Pregnant Patients, James McIntyre
36. Pneumocystosis, Laurence Huang, Henry Masur
37. Toxoplasmosis, José M. Miró, Henry W. Murray
38. Cryptosporidia, Isospora, and Cyclospora Infections, Timothy P. Flanigan, Christine A. Wanke
39. Microsporidiosis, Louis M. Weiss
40. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Thomas E. Dobbs, Michael E. Kimerling
41. Mycobacterium Avium Complex and Other Atypical Mycobacterial Infections, Constance A. Benson, Judith S. Currier
42. Bartonellosis, Jane E. Koehler
43. Cryptococcosis, Judith A. Aberg, William G. Powderly
44. Histoplasmosis, L. Joseph Wheat
45. Coccidioidomycosis, Neil M. Ampel
46. Candidiasis, Peter G. Pappas, Carl J. Fichtenbaum
47. Mycoses Caused by Moulds, Thomas F. Patterson, John R. Graybill
48. Herpes Simplex Virus Infections, Kimberly Y. Smith, Harold A. Kessler
49. Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections, John W. Gnann, Jr.
50. Cytomegalovirus Disease, Paul D. Griffiths, Michael A. Polis
51. Human Herpesvirus-6 and Herpesvirus-7 Infections, David W. Kimberlin
52. Protozoal and Helminthic Infections, Roberto Badaro
53. Epstein-Barr Virus and Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus M, Eric Johannsen
54. Hepatitis B and G, Ruth Berggren
55. Hepatitis C Virus, Mark S. Sulkowski
56. Sexually Transmitted Human Papillomavirus Infection, William Bonnez
57. JC Virus Neurologic Infection, Sunil Chauhan, Colin D. Hall
58. Sexually Transmitted Infections, L. B. Strick, C. M. Marra, C. L. Celum
59. Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Susan E. Krown
60. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Richard F. Little, Stefania Pittaluga, Robert Yarchoan
61. Wasting Syndrome, Jens J. Kort, Fred. R. Sattler
62. Neurological Disease, Serena S. Spudich, Richard W. Price
63. AIDS Psychiatry, Alex Thompson, Benjamin C. Silverman, Andrew Angelino, Glenn J. Treisman
64. Dermatologic Disease, Richard Johnson
65. Oropharyngeal Disease, Jeffery D. Hill
66. Ophthalmologic Disease, Douglas A. Jabs, Jennifer E. Thorne
67. Hematologic Disease, Richard D. Moore
68. Cardiovascular Disease in HIV, Jens D. Lundgren, Anette Sjol
69. Respiratory Disease, Laurence Huang
70. HIV-Related Renal Disease, Jonathan A. Winston, Paul E. Klotman
71. Diabetes and Insulin Resistance, Colleen Hadigan, Steven Grinspoon
72. Lipid Disorders, Peter Reiss, Marc van der Valk
73. Abnormalities of Fat Distribution in HIV Infection, Carl Grunfeld
74. Lactic Acidosis and Other Mitochondrial Disorders Associated with HIV Therapy, David Nolan, Simon Mallal
75. Bone Disorders, Pablo Tebas
76. Adrenal, Gonadal, and Thyroid Disorders, Joan C. Lo
77. Diseases of the Esophagus and Stomach and Bowel, C. Mel Wilcox
78. Hepatic and Hepatobiliary Diseases, Nicole M. Martin, Raymond T. Chung, Kenneth E. Sherman
79. Drug Interactions and Administration, Charles Flexner, Paul A. Pham
80. AIDS-Related Medications, Alice K. Pau, Sarah Robertson
81. HIV/AIDS Related Internet Resources, Richard A. Colvin
82. Antiretroviral Dosing Guidelines, Alice K. Pau
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