도서 소개
상품 상세설명
QMP is proud to announce the publication of Rhinoplasty: Craft and Magic by Dr. Mark B. Constantian. This Master Work by a Master Surgeon is destined to change the way you practice rhinoplasty. It is essential reading for all surgeons interested in nasal surgery.
For many surgeons, rhinoplasty is seen as a complex and often mystifying operation. This book takes the mystery out of rhinoplasty, making it both understandable and controllable, demonstrating that function can always be improved, and showing how particular postoperative shapes can be achieved with a high level of certainty. It will provide you with the basic skills and understanding of how rhinoplasty works in both primary and secondary nasal operations.
This comprehensive book is packed full of useful information to help you improve your rhinoplasty results. An applied anatomy chapter discusses the critical anatomical variants that are important to diagnose and how these affect the end result during different operative procedures, such as reduction of the dorsum. The surgeon learns what to expect after each operative step in order to understand how to interpret what is seen in the operating room. Another chapter focuses on the airway; it describes how to avoid creating airway problems and how to correct these problems when they occur. Multiple grafting techniques are also described with step-by-step details of how to use each type of autogenous donor material and the secrets for making the grafts work the first time. Important information is included on how you work with the different types of soft tissue covers with different patient types and specific clinical problems, including: cleft lip nose, the traumatized nose, the older patient, the narrow nose, the thick-skinned nose, and the open rhinoplasty deformity. All common secondary problems are addressed in detail such as secondary dorsal tip and supratip deformities.
Numerous innovative feature and tips and tricks are included to guide the reader and enhance understanding. Icons introduce each technique, providing a visual summary of the operative strategy used for each problem discussed. Summaries of surgical plans precede each procedure. Surgical solutions to specific problems are grouped together and are illustrated with step-by-step technique. Long term results are analyzed ?with inclusion of many 5, 10, and 15-year results. Four DVDs with operative video complement and expand on the techniques described in this amazing 2-volume set.
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