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Product Description
Sales Handle The reference GPs rely on when practical experience counts. Description John Murtagh's General Practice is widely recognized as the most influential publication for general practice and primary health care. Now in its fifth edition, this gold standard reference comprehensively covers the entire spectrum of general practice. Key Features /three new chapters covering 'Infections of the central nervous system,' 'refugee health' and 'Colloquial expressions in medicine' /expanded coverage with two chapters on 'Travel Medicine' and 'Tropical medicine and the returned traveller' /expanded coverage with two chapters on "The menopause" and "Osteoporosis" /an increased focus on evidenced-based medicine /updated and peer reviewed to reflect the latest medical developments /insightful coverage of conditions that clinicians see, and often struggle with, in daily practice /with over 80 new photographs and illustrations, there are now more than 800 full-colour visual references Praise for John Murtagh "You only need to look at how he writes his books to see that he is a great educator and a wonderful general practitioner who teaches in a very practical, intelligent and focused way," Michael Kidd, in Australian Doctor 2005 (as President of the RACGP) "Murtagh's textbooks and his teaching are equally legendary. General Practice, Patient Education and Practice Tips have sold more than 50,000 copies excluding nine language translations and several English reprints in India." John Murtagh was in the top 10 of Australian Doctor's 50 most influential people in general practice 2005. "The JK Rowling of General Practice", John Murtagh was listed in Australian Doctor's top 50 most influential people in general practice 2010. Professor Claire Jackson, professor of General Practice, University of Queensland medical school and RACGP president-elect, on her choice of John Murtagh as the most influential person in general practice (printed in Australian Doctor, 50 Most Influential people supplement, July 2010): "His life's passion is building the general practice model and on general practice teaching based on a whole lot of pragmatic experience and good practical frameworks" General Practice was described as "the authoritative source for both established GPs and those starting out; the book has a place in just about every GP surgery in the country." About the Authors The renowned John Murtagh is Emeritus Professor in General Practice at Monash University; Professorial Fellow of General Practice at the University of Melbourne; Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Notre Dame and Guest Professor at Peking University Health Science Centre, Beijing. This new edition benefits from the contributions of Dr Jill Rosenblatt as a second medical author and editor. Dr Rosenblatt is a General Practitioner and Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Primary Health Care at Monash University whose wealth of rural and urban experience adds a new level of authority to this respected work.
About the Author
About the Authors The renowned John Murtagh is Emeritus Professor in General Practice at Monash University; Professorial Fellow of General Practice at the University of Melbourne; Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Notre Dame and Guest Professor at Peking University Health Science Centre, Beijing. This new edition benefits from the contributions of Dr Jill Rosenblatt as a second medical author and editor. Dr Rosenblatt is a General Practitioner and Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Primary Health Care at Monash University whose wealth of rural and urban experience adds a new level of authority to this respected work.
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