Edited by physiology instructors who are also active clinicians, Integrated Physiology and Pathophysiology is a one-stop guide to key information you need for early clinical and medical training and practice. This unique, integrated textbook unites these two essential disciplines and focuses on the most relevant aspects for clinical application. A concise, review-like format, tables and diagrams, spaced repetition for effective learning, and self-assessment features help you gain and retain a firm understanding of basic physiology and pathophysiology. Integrated Physiology and Pathophysiology works equally well as a great starting point in your studies and as a review for boards.
1.1 Case Study #1
1.2 Case Study #2
2 An Overview of Nerve Cell Physiology and Electrophysiology
3 Central Nervous System
4 Peripheral Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System
5 The Neuromuscular Junction and Skeletal Muscle
6 Smooth Muscle
6.1 Case Study #2
7 Blood and the Endothelium
8 The Lymphatic System and the Immune System
8.1 Case Study #3
9 The Vasculature
10 The Heart As a Pump
11 Cardiac Electrophysiology
12 Exercise Physiology
12.1 Case Study #4
13 The Mechanics of Breathing
14 Gas Exchange in the Lung
15 Gas Transport
16 The Regulation of Breathing
16.1 Case Study #5
17 Renal Structure and Function
18 Tubular Transport
19 The Regulation of Blood Pressure and Extracellular Fluid Volume
20 Osmoregulation
21 The Regulation of Potassium Balance
22 Acid-Base Balance
23 Micturition
23.1 Case Study #6
24 Nutrition, Digestion, and Absorption
25 Control of Gastrointestinal Motility and Secretion
26 Hepatic Physiology
27 The Gastrointestinal Immune System
27.1 Case Study #7
28 The Endocrine Pancreas: Fed and Fasted Metabolic States
29 The Pituitary Gland
30 The Thyroid Gland
31 The Adrenal Gland
32 Calcium Regulation: Parathyroid Physiology
33 Calcium Regulation: Bone Physiology
34 The Female Reproductive System
35 Pregnancy and Partiution
36 The Male Reproductive System
36.1 Case Study #8
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