도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Book Description
This comprehensive textbook of musculoskeletal rehabilitation features discussion of both conservative and post-surgical rehabilitation. ORTHOPAEDIC PHYSICAL THERAPY, 3rd Edition offers thorough coverage of the evaluation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system, organized by body region. A wealth of illustrations enhances the text and help users grasp various techniques. This outstanding tool focuses on the variety of different manual therapy techniques available, including mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, and neural mobilization. Discussions of the Cyriax, Maitland, and McKenzie techniques are also featured.
Book Info
(Churchill Livingstone) Rocky Mountain Univ., Provo, UT. Comprehensive clinical resource in orthopedic physical therapy. Features abundant halftone illustrations that demonstrate the full range of techniques. The text is organized by body region for easy referencing, with expanded coverage of muscle physiology. Previous edition: c1994. DNLM: Orthopedic procedures--methods.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Section 1 Fundamental Principles
1. Tissue Response
2. Exercise Treatment for the Rehabilitated Patient: Cardiopulmonary and Peripheral Responses
3. Theory and Practice of Muscle Strengthening in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
Section 2 The Upper Quarter
4. Upper Quarter Evaluation: Structural Relationships and Interdependence
5. Influences of the Cervical Spine in the Stomatognathic System
6. Dysfunction, Evaluation, and Treatment of the Cervical Spine and Thoracic Inlet
7. Differential Assessment and Mobilization of the Cervical and Upper Thoracic Spine
8. Dysfunction, Evaluation, and Treatment of the Shoulder
9. Arthroscopic Surgery of the Shoulder
10. The Elbow Region
11. Dysfunction, Evaluation, and Treatment of the Wrist and Hand
12. Reconstructive Surgery of the Wrist and Hand
13. Mobilization of the Upper Extremity
Section 3 The Lower Quarter
14. Lower Quater Evaluation: Structural Relationships and Interdependence
15. Dysfunction, Evaluation, and Treatment of the Lumbar Spine
16. New Advances in Lumbar Spin Surgery
17. Manual Therapy Techniques for the Thoracolumbar Spine
18. Use of Lumbar Rotations in the Treatment of Low Back Pain
19. Evaluation and Treatment of Dysfunction in the Lumbar0Pelvic=Hip Complex
20. Surgical Treatment of the Hip
21. Dysfunction, Evaluation, and Treatment of the Knee
22. Surgery of the Knee: Rehabilitation Principles
23. Kinematics and Kinetics During Gait
24. Dysfunction, Evaluation, and Treatment of the Foot and Ankle
25. Foot Orthotics : An Overview of Rationale, Assessment, and Fabrications
26. Reconstructive Surgery of the Foot and Ankle
27. Mobilization of the Lower Extremity
Section 4 Special Considerations
28. Measurement of Functional Status, Progress, and Outcome in Orthopaedic Clinical Practice
29. Orthopaedic Problems in the Neurologic Patient
30. Sort Tissue Mobilization
31. Evaluation and Treatment of Neural Tissue Pain Disorders
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