Comprehensive Atlas Of Ultrasound-Guided Pain Management Injection Techniques > Pain Medicine

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Comprehensive Atlas Of Ultrasound-Guided Pain Management Injection Techniques 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 270,000원 11%↓
  • 판매가 : 240,000원
  • 적립금 : 2,000원
  • 저자명 : Waldman
  • 출판사 : LWW
  • PAGE : 1200
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2014
  • ISBN : 9781451186703

선택된 옵션

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보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

Comprehensive Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Pain Management Injection Techniques depicts in crisp, step-by-step detail how to prepare and perform injections under ultrasound guidance. Over 160 ultrasound-guided injection techniques are depicted in short, easy to review chapters with hundreds of full color photographs and illustrations. The accompanying website presents many of these techniques in video. Coverage includes techniques for head, neck, shoulder, elbow and forearm, wrist and hand, chest wall, trunk and abdomen, low back, hip and pelvis, knee and lower extremity, and foot and ankle.

Visualizing patient anatomy and correlating it to ultrasound output is a crucial skill for these procedures, and is clearly demonstrated with anatomical illustrations placed side-by-side with ultrasound images. Transducer positioning and proper needle angle are also clearly demonstrated in illustrations, photographs, and in video accompanying the text.  .

This text demonstrates the ease and utility of ultrasound in a comprehensive, aesthetically pleasing layout. Images are oversized for viewing ease and text is direct, succinct, and easy to read.


  • Each technique will illustrate the relevant anatomy
  • Each technique is accompanied by full-color illustrations and photographs
  • Uses a step-by-step, how-to approach to describe each technique
  • Accompanying videos further illustrate the techniques

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

Section I Head 

1 Ultrasound-Guided Atlanto-Occipital Block 
2 Ultrasound-Guided Atlantoaxial Block 
3 Ultrasound-Guided Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block: Lateral Infrazygomatic Approach 
4 Ultrasound-Guided Greater and Lesser Occipital Nerve Block 
5 Ultrasound-Guided Auriculotemporal Nerve Block 
6 Ultrasound-Guided Greater Auricular Nerve Block 
7 Ultrasound-Guided Trigeminal Nerve Block: Coronoid Approach 
8 Ultrasound-Guided Selective Maxillary Nerve Block: Coronoid Approach 
9 Ultrasound-Guided Selective Mandibular Nerve Block: Coronoid Approach
10 Ultrasound-Guided Supraorbital Nerve Block 
11 Ultrasound-Guided Infraorbital Nerve Block 
12 Ultrasound-Guided Mental Nerve Block 
13 Ultrasound-Guided Temporomandibular Joint Injection 
14 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Eagle Syndrome 
Section II Neck 
15 Ultrasound-Guided Glossopharyngeal Nerve Block 
16 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Vagus Nerve Block 
17 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Spinal Accessory Nerve Block 
18 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Phrenic Nerve Block 
19 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Facial Nerve Block 
20 Ultrasound-Guided Superficial Cervical Plexus Block 
21 Ultrasound-Guided Deep Cervical Plexus Block 
22 Ultrasound-Guided Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block 
23 Ultrasound-Guided Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Block 
24 Ultrasound-Guided Stellate Ganglion Block 
25 Ultrasound-Guided Third Occipital Nerve Block 
26 Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Medial Branch Block 
27 Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Intra-articular Facet Block 
28 Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Selective Nerve Root Block 

Section III Shoulder 
29 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block 
30 Ultrasound-Guided Brachial Plexus Block: Supraclavicular Approach 
31 Ultrasound-Guided Brachial Plexus Block: Infraclavicular Approach 
32 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Axillary Brachial Plexus Block 
33 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Glenohumeral Joint 
34 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Acromioclavicular Joint 
35 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Subacromial Impingement Syndrome 
36 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Supraspinatus Tendonitis 
37 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Infraspinatus Tendonitis 
38 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Subscapularis Tendonitis 
39 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Rotator Cuff Disease 
40 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Suprascapular Nerve Block 
41 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Radial Nerve Block at the Humerus 
42 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Intercostobrachial Nerve Block 
43 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Medial Cutaneous Nerve Block 
44 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Bicipital Tendonitis 
45 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Axillary Nerve Block in the Quadrilateral Space 
46 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Subdeltoid Bursitis Pain 
47 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Subcoracoid Bursitis Pain 
48 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Pectoralis Major Tear Syndrome 

Section IV Elbow and Forearm 
49 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Elbow Joint 
50 Ultrasound-Guided Radial Nerve Block at the Elbow 
51 Ultrasound-Guided Median Nerve Block at the Elbow 
52 Ultrasound-Guided Ulnar Nerve Block at the Elbow 
53 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome 
54 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Tennis Elbow Syndrome 
55 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Golfer’s Elbow 
56 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Radial Tunnel Syndrome 
57 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Triceps Tendonitis 
58 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Olecranon Bursitis Pain 
59 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Pronator Syndrome 
60 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Anterior Interosseous Syndrome 
Section V Wrist and Hand 
61 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Distal Radioulnar Joint 
62 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Radiocarpal Joint 
63 Ultrasound-Guided Radial Nerve Block at the Wrist 
64 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Median Nerve Block at the Wrist 
65 Ultrasound-Guided Ulnar Nerve Block at the Wrist 
66 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 
67 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome 
68 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendinitis 
69 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Tendonitis 
70 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Ganglia Cysts of the Wrist and Hand 
71 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis 
72 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Intersection Syndrome 
73 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the First Carpometacarpal Joint 
74 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Carpometacarpal Joints of the Fingers 
75 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Trigger Finger Syndrome 
76 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Dupuytren Contracture 
77 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Metacarpophalangeal Joints 
78 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Interphalangeal Joints 
79 Ultrasound-Guided Metacarpal and Digital Nerve Block 
Section VI Chest Wall, Trunk, and Abdomen 
80 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Sternoclavicular Joint Pain 
81 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Costosternal Joint Pain 
82 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Manubriosternal Joint Pain 
83 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Xiphisternal Joint Pain 
84 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Costotransverse and Costovertebral Joint Pain 
85 Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Epidural Block Utilizing the Three-Step Paramedian Sagittal Oblique Approach 
86 Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Paravertebral Nerve Block 
87 Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Facet Block: Intra-articular Technique 
88 Ultrasound-Guided Intercostal Nerve Block 
89 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Slipping Rib Syndrome 
90 Ultrasound-Guided Transversus Abdominis Plane Block 
91 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome 
92 Ultrasound-Guided Celiac Plexus Block: Anterior Approach 
93 Ultrasound-Guided Ilioinguinal Nerve Block 
94 Ultrasound-Guided Iliohypogastric Nerve Block 
95 Ultrasound-Guided Genitofemoral Nerve Block 
Section VII Low Back 
96 Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Facet Block: Medial Branch Technique 
97 Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Facet Block: Intra-articular Technique 
98 Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Epidural Block Utilizing the Three-Step Paramedian Sagittal Oblique Approach 
99 Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Selective Nerve Root Block 
100 Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Subarachnoid Block Utilizing the Three-Step Paramedian Sagittal Oblique Approach 
101 Ultrasound-Guided Caudal Epidural Block 
102 Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Plexus Nerve Block 
103 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Lumbar Myofascial Pain Syndrome 
104 Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Sympathetic Block 
Section VIII Hip and Pelvis 
105 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Hip Joint 
106 Ultrasound-Guided Femoral Nerve Block 
107 Ultrasound-Guided Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block 
108 Ultrasound-Guided Obturator Nerve Block 
109 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Osteitis Pubis 
110 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Adductor Tendonitis 
111 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Ischial Bursitis Pain 
112 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Iliopsoas Bursitis Pain 
113 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Iliopectineal Bursitis Pain 
114 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Trochanteric Bursitis Pain 
115 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Gluteus Medius Bursitis Pain 
116 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Piriformis Syndrome 
117 Ultrasound-Guided Sciatic Nerve Block at the Hip 
118 Ultrasound-Guided Sacral Nerve Block 
119 Ultrasound-Guided Hypogastric Plexus Block 
120 Ultrasound-Guided Ganglion of Walther (Impar) Block 
121 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Coccydynia 
122 Ultrasound-Guided Pudendal Nerve Block 
123 Ultrasound-Guided Sacroiliac Joint Injection 
124 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for External Snapping Hip Syndrome 
Section IX Knee and Lower Extremity 
125 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Knee Joint 
126 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Superior Tibiofibular Joint 00
127 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Semimembranosus Insertion Syndrome 
128 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Coronary Ligament Pain 
129 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Medial Collateral Ligament 
130 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Quadriceps Expansion Syndrome 
131 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Jumper’s Knee 
132 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Suprapatellar Bursitis Pain 
133 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Prepatellar Bursitis Pain 
134 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Superficial Infrapatellar Bursitis Pain 
135 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis Pain 
136 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Pes Anserine Bursitis Pain 
137 Ultrasound-Guided Saphenous Nerve Block at the Knee 
138 Ultrasound-Guided Sciatic Nerve Block at the Popliteal Fossa 
139 Ultrasound-Guided Tibial Nerve Block at the Popliteal Fossa 
140 Ultrasound-Guided Common Peroneal Nerve Block at the Popliteal Fossa 
141 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Baker Cyst 
142 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Fabella Syndrome 
Section X Ankle and Foot 
143 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Ankle Joint 
144 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Subtalar Joint 
145 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Talonavicular Joint 
146 Ultrasound-Guided Tibial Nerve Block at the Ankle 
147 Ultrasound-Guided Saphenous Nerve Block at the Ankle 
148 Ultrasound-Guided Deep Peroneal Nerve Block at the Ankle 
149 Ultrasound-Guided Superficial Peroneal Nerve Block at the Ankle 
150 Ultrasound-Guided Sural Nerve Block at the Ankle 
151 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Deltoid Ligament Strain 
152 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Anterior Talofibular Ligament Strain 
153 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome 
154 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Posterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome 
155 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Achilles Tendonitis 
156 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Retrocalcaneal Bursitis Pain 
157 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Calcaneofibular Ligament 
158 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Plantar Fasciitis 
159 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Calcaneal Spurs 
160 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis 
161 Ultrasound-Guided Intra-articular Injection of the Toe Joints 
162 Ultrasound-Guided Metatarsal and Digital Nerve Block of the Foot 
163 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Hallux Valgus Deformity 
164 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Bunionette Pain Syndrome 
165 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Hammertoe Pain Syndrome 
166 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Morton Neuroma Syndrome 
167 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Intermetatarsal Bursitis 
168 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Technique for Sesamoiditis Pain 


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