도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Table of Contents
1. Anatomy of the anterior abdominal wall, uterus, and pelvic organs. 1
2. Topographic anatomy of the perineum, vulva, vagina, and surrounding structures. 23
3. Clinical pelvimetry. 29
4. First-trimester embryofetoscopy. 35
5. Chorionic villus sampling. 43
6. Amniocentesis. 55
7. Fetal transfusion. 63
8. Fetal reduction and selective termination. 85
9. Spontaneous and indicated abortions. 99
10 Percutaneous Intrauterine fetal shunting. 123
11. Cordocentesis. 137
12. Minimally invasive fetal surgery: The Colorado approach. 149
13. Fetal surgery. 163
14. Cervical insufficiency. 181
15. Advanced extrauterine pregnancy. 199
16. The role of caesarean delivery in the management of fetal malformations. 211
17. Evaluation and management of stillbirth. 221
18. Antepartum hemorrhage. 229
19. Intrapartum fetal monitoring. 239
20. Normal vaginal delivery. 255
21. Shoulder dystocia. 267
22. Postpartum haemorrhage. 277
23. Forceps delivery. 299
24. Vacuum assisted vaginal delivery. 317
25. Fetal malpresentations. 333
26. Delivery of twins and higher-order multiples. 345
27. Maternal birth injuries. 357
28. Puerperal inversion of the uterus. 373
29. Wound healing, sutures, knots, needles, drains, and instruments. 383
30 Cesarean delivery. 393
31. Prevention of surgical site infections. 415
32. Cesarean scar pregnancy. 431
33. Anesthetic procedures in obstetrics. 449
34. Cardiac monitoring in pregnancy. 461
35. Trauma in pregnancy. 475
36. Surgery during pregnancy. 485
37. Urologic complications during pregnancy. 499
38. Management of malignant and premalignant lesions of the female genital tract during pregnancy. 509
39. Gestational trophoblastic disease. 523
40. Patient safety.535
Index 545
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