2012.06.26 출간 예정입니다.
Peter Morris
1 History of transplantation
Jiří Froněk and Iain A.M. MacPhee
2 Assessment of the potential renal transplant recipient
Alan G. Jardine and Patrick B Mark
3 Pre-transplant assessment and medical evaluation of potential live kidney donors
Jonas Wadström
4 Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
Susan V. Fuggle and Craig J. Taylor
5 Donor management: the care of the heart beating brain dead multi-organ donor
Paul G. Murphy
6 Deceased donor retrieval
Albert M. Wolthuis, Diethard Monbaliu, Willy Coosemans and Jacques Pirenne
7 Live donor nephrectomy
Jiří Froněk and Nicos Kessaris
8 Organisation of transplant services, organ sharing and organ allocation: A perspective from the UK and Eurotransplant
James Neuberger and Axel Rahmel
9 Deceased donor kidney transplantation
Luisa Berardinelli
10 Living donor kidney transplantation
Jiří Froněk
11 Pancreas transplantation
Guido Woeste and Wolf O Bechstein
12 Pancreatic islet transplantation
Frantisek Saudek
13 Anaesthesia for renal transplantation
Nicoletta Fossati
14 Anaesthesia for pancreatic transplantation
Kai Zacharowski and Hans-Joachim Wilke
15 Anaesthesia for live donor nephrectomy
Rehana Iqbal
16 Immunosuppression
Iain A.M. MacPhee and Teun van Gelder
17 Antibody removal
Nicos Kessaris and Nizam Mamode
18 Paediatric transplantation
Luisa Berardinelli and Luciana Ghio
19 Post-transplant diagnostic imaging
Lakshmi Ratnam and Uday Patel
20 Transplant histopathology
Eva Honsova
21 Infection
Rachel Hilton and Martin W. Drage
22 Management during the first three months after transplantation
Iain A.M. MacPhee, Joyce Popoola, and Daniel Jones
23 Management of long-term complications
Paul N. Harden and Richard Haynes
24 Living donor follow-up
Jiří Froněk and Robert Elias
25 Ethics of Transplantation
Robert Elias and Rehana Iqbal
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