With a strong patient-centered approach to care and an author team comprised of nurses and physicians, Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination, 8th Edition, addresses teaching and learning health assessment in nursing, medical, and a wide variety of other health-care programs, at both undergraduate and graduate levels. This new edition offers an increased focus on evidence-based practice and improved readability, along with integrated lifespan content and numerous special features such as Clinical Pearls and Physical Variations, Functional Assessment, and Staying Well boxes.
[New to This Edition]
-NEW! Advance Practice Skills highlighted throughout text makes identification and reference easier for students.
-NEW! Updated content throughout provides you with cutting-edge research and a strong evidence-based approach to care.
-NEW! Vital Signs and Pain Assessment Chapter groups important, foundational tasks together for easy reference in one location.
-NEW! Improve readability ensures content remains clear, straightforward, and easy to understand.
-NEW! Updated illustrations and photographs enhances visual appeal and clarifies anatomic concepts and exam techniques
[Key Features]
-Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Examination boxes supply you with current data on the most effective techniques for delivering quality patient care.
-Clinical Pearls lend insights and clinical expertise to help you develop clinical judgment skills.
-Functional Assessment boxes present a more holistic approach to patient care that extends beyond the physical exam to patients’ functional ability.
-Staying Well boxes focus you on patient wellness and health promotion.
-Risk Factor boxes provide opportunities for patient teaching or genetic testing for a variety of conditions.
-Differential diagnosis content offers you an understanding of how disease presentations vary and specific information for how to make diagnoses from similar abnormal findings.
-Abnormal Findings tables equip you with a quick, illustrated reference that allows for comparisons of various abnormalities along with key symptoms and underlying pathophysiology.
-Sample Documentation boxes clarify appropriate professional language for the process of recording patient assessment data.
1. The History and Interviewing Process
2. Cultural Competency
3. Examination Techniques and Equipment
4. Vital Signs and Pain Assessment NEW!
5. Mental Status
6. Growth and Measurement
7. Nutrition
8. Skin, Hair, and Nails
9. Lymphatic System
10. Head and Neck
11. Eyes
12. Ears, Nose, and Throat
13. Chest and Lungs
14. Heart
15. Blood Vessels
16. Breasts and Axillae
17. Abdomen
18. Female Genitalia
19. Male Genitalia
20. Anus, Rectum, and Prostate
21. Musculoskeletal System
22. Neurologic System
23. Sports Participation Evaluation
24. Putting It All Together
25. Taking the Next Steps: Critical Thinking
26. Recording Information
27. Emergency or Life-Threatening Situations
Appendix A: Conversion Tables
Appendix B: Temperature Equivalents
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