도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Hardcover - 632pages
소화기내시경아틀라스 2vol. - 상부위장관/하부위장관 의 영문판 입니다.
This book is divided into two parts: upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy. The entries have been authored, by the most active and experienced practitioners in the field of endoscopy, and cover all the important aspects of endoscopic findings and treatment modalities, from the basics of endoscopy to therapeuticendoscopy. An important aspect of this book is the detailed description of various gastrointestinal diseases. Theincluded information and algorithms are the most up-to-date available.
ㆍ A complete guide to gastrointestinal endoscopy featuring more than 2,000 superb photographs andillustrations taken of actual endoscopy cases
ㆍ Summary and treatment guidelines for each disease are clearly presented in the same format for eachcondition for ease of comprehension
ㆍ All aspects of quality management needed in the endoscopy room including disinfection and patientmanagement have been described in detail
ㆍ Direct observation of many endoscopic pictures of a wide variety of disorders is provided
ㆍ Providing examples of cases that are essentially the same disease but may be presented in various differentforms, or have similar endoscopic features but need differential diagnosis
ㆍ All of the necessary instruments and examination techniques, as well as guidelines on preparation, relatedmedications, complications, and more.
Although the intended audience for this book are residents and general practitioners, it may also be of interestto endoscopists because much practical information and ‘tricks of the trade’ provided by skilled specialists fromall relevant fields are included in a neatly organized manner.
Publication date: July, 2011
632 pp, 2,000 color illustrations
ISBN -13 : 978-89-94467-34-4
Publisher: Daehan Medical Book
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, Colonoscopy
2 It has been almost 50 years since endoscopy was introduced. Since then, the science and art of the endoscopictechnique has been continuously progressing both diagnostically and as a treatment modality. Thisprogress has opened up new avenues of particularly in recent years, the progression in endoscopic imaginghas resulted in high quality images that were hitherto impossible to achieve, which also aided diagnosis. Furthermore,the advances have included minimally invasive endoscopic procedures such as endoscopic resection,hemostasis, and bougination of stricture, which have replaced the need for surgical interventions.
While these advances are impressive and laudable, endoscopy remains a very person-dependent intervention,in which the degree of diagnostic evaluation may vary widely according to the knowledge and experienceof the endoscopist. Because of this, ongoing education is necessary concerning the different and varieddiseases that can be diagnosed and treated through endoscopy, and mastery of the technique.
While endoscopic examination is widely-practiced in Korea, no endoscopic atlas has yet been published toprovide aid or reference to residents and general practitioners. The Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopyis proud to publish this volume, entitled『Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 』, which relies on highquality
endoscopic pictures and cases presented in past seminars and scientific programmes to provide stateof-the-art information on endoscopy.
This book is divided into two parts: upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy. The entries havebeen authored, by the most active and experienced practitioners in the field of endoscopy, and cover all theimportant aspects of endoscopic findings and treatment modalities, from the basics of endoscopy to therapeutic
endoscopy. An important aspect of this book is the detailed description of various gastrointestinal diseases;
this includes over 2,000 photographs taken of actual endoscopy cases. The included information andalgorithms are the most up-to-date available. Although the intended audience for this book are residents andgeneral practitioners, it may also be of interest to endoscopists because much practical information and ‘tricksof the trade’ provided by skilled specialists from all relevant fields are included in a neatly organized manner.
The Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is dedicated to the provision of science data of excellence, to improve the quality of endoscopy offered in Korea, and to provide education that will aid in the improvementof national health. The publication of this atlas is tangible evidence of our commitment to these aims.
We thank the all authors who worked so diligently to provide this document in such a short period of time.
We also wish to express our sincere thanks to the compilation committee and the editor of the compilation, professor Sun Joo Kim, for all their efforts during the preparation of this book.
July 2011
The Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
President Chang Duck Kim
Gastrointestinal endoscopy is one of the fastest evolving areas in medicine, and is essential in the diagnosisand treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. In an era when medical knowledge is constantly accumulatingand treatment approaches are evolving, the need for acquisition of information and mastery of endoscopyskills for doctors specializing in endoscopy is essential and crucial. Over its 35-year history, The Korean Societyof Gastrointestinal Endoscopy has annually provided up-to-date medical information, including hostingvarious seminars and scientific programmes that aid in the delivery of relevant medical information to thesocieties’ over 5,000 members.
In assessing the delivery of our educational programmes, it became clear that our members lacked a onestopresource that provided real pictures from everyday practice. Such information would be invaluable formany doctors, from residents who first encounter endoscopy to general practitioners who diagnose and/or treattheir patients using gastrointestinal endoscopy. The result is the『Atlas of GastrointestinalEndoscopy 』.
This book coherently and extensively summarizes different therapeutic interventions as well as variousendoscopic findings of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. In particular, direct observation of many endoscopicpictures of a wide variety of disorders is provided. Reader education is aided by providing examplesof cases that are essentially the same disease but may be presented in various different forms, or have similarendoscopic features but need differential diagnosis. This sort of information will prove valuable in the realworldof patient care.
In addition, summary and treatment guidelines for each disease are clearly presented in the same formatfor each condition for ease of comprehension, and all aspects of quality management needed in the endoscopyroom including disinfection and patient management have been described in detail. We hope this bookwill aid in the management and study of all endoscopists in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy.
Finally, we wish to express our sincere thanks to the team leaders and all 27 writing staffs who worked sodiligently for over a year to bring this valuable resource to fruition.
July 2011
The Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Editor Sun Joo Kim
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