도서 소개
상품 상세설명
전임의 : |
100% |
| Softcover - 880pages
The renowned one-stop guide to the entire field of clinical endocrinology and its scientific underpinnings – now in full color
270+ full-color photographs and illustrations!
A Doody's Core Title for 2011!
Greenspan’s Basic & Clinical Endocrinology, 9e delivers a succinct, leading-edge overview of the underlying molecular biology of the endocrine system and the latest perspectives on the diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases and disorders. Featuring an enhanced design that includes hundreds of full-color illustrations and clinical photographs, Greenspan’s is a true must-have during traditional or integrated courses in endocrinology, endocrinology rotation, or for exam prep in internal medicine and endocrinology.
Greenspan’s provides clinically relevant coverage of metabolic bone disease, pancreatic hormones and diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, obesity, geriatric endocrinology, and many other diseases and disorders. Supporting this essential material is a handy appendix of normal hormone reference ranges.
Concise, balanced coverage of both scientific and clinical principles
The best source for current concepts in endocrine pathophysiology to aid clinical decision making
Important new approaches to the medical management of endocrine disorders, including therapeutic recommendations
The most practical, current insights into diagnostic testing
More than 270 full-color illustrations and clinical photographs |
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Hormones and Hormone Action, David G. Gardner, Mark Anderson, and Robert A. Nissenson
2. Endocrine Autoimmunity, Juan Carlos Jaume
3. Evidence-Based Endocrinology & Clinical Epidemiology, David C. Aron
4. Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland, Bradley R. Javorsky, David C. Aron, James W. Findling, and J. Blake Tyrrell
5. The Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysis), Alan G. Robinson
6. Growth, Dennis Styne
7. The Thyroid Gland, David S. Cooper, and Paul W. Ladenson
8. Metabolic Bone Disease, Dolores Shoback, Deborah Sellmeyer, and Daniel D. Bikle
9. Glucocorticoids & Adrenal Androgens, Ty B.Carroll, David C. Aron, James W. Findling, and J. Blake Tyrrell
10. Endocrine Hypertension, William F. Young, Jr.
11. Adrenal Medulla & Paraganglia, Paul A. Fitzgerald
12. Testes, Glenn D. Braunstein
13. Female Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, Mitchell P. Rosen, and Marcelle I. Cedars
14. Disorders of Sexual Determination & Differentiation, Felix A. Conte and Melvin M. Grumbach
15. Puberty, Dennis Styne
16. The Endocrinology of Pregnancy, Robert N. Taylor and Martina L. Badell
17. Pancreatic Hormones & Diabetes Mellitus, Umesh Masharani and Michael S. German
18. Hypoglycemic Disorders, Umesh Masharani and Stephen E. Gitelman
19. Disorders of Lipoprotein Metabolism, Mary J. Malloy and John P. Kane
20. Obesity, Alka M. Kanaya and Christian Vaisse
21. Humoral Manifestations of Malignancy, Dolores Shoback and Janet L Funk
22. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, David G. Gardner
23. Geriatric Endocrinology, Susan L. Greenspan and Mary Korytkowski and Neil M. Resnick
24. Endocrine Emergencies, David G. Gardner
25. AIDS Endocrinopathies, Carl Grunfeld and Grace Lee
26. Endocrine Surgery, Geeta Lal and Orlo H Clark
Appendix: Normal Hormone Reference Ranges
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