도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This volume is a comprehensive clinical reference on the diagnosis and medical and surgical management of laryngeal, tracheal, bronchial, and esophageal disorders in pediatric patients. The book begins with thorough reviews of laryngeal development, anatomy, clinical decision-making, evaluation of stridor and wheezing, diagnostic imaging, instrumentation, anesthesia, and examination and surgical techniques. Subsequent chapters cover specific anatomic regions and disorders, including the nose and pharynx, congenital laryngeal anomalies, laryngotracheal stenosis, the tracheobronchial tree, inflammatory and neoplastic lesions, foreign bodies, chronic cough, persistent and recurrent pneumonia, caustic ingestion, esophageal injury and stricture, swallowing disorders, gastroesophageal reflux, obstructive sleep apnea, and disorders of respiratory control. Coverage also includes detailed chapters on tracheostomy and on office endoscopy for evaluation of speech and voice. The last two chapters offer guidelines on photographic documentation and on care and maintenance of endoscopic equipment. More than 300 illustrations, 187 in full color, complement the text throughout.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Laryngeal Development 1
2 Anatomy 19
3 Decision Making 35
4 Evaluation of Stridor and Wheezing 41
5 Radiology 49
6 Instrumentation, Equipment, and Standardization 65
7 Anesthesia 81
8 Technique 97
9 Nasal and Pharyngeal Lesions 117
10 Congenital Laryngeal Anomalies 137
11 Laryngotracheal Stenosis 165
12 Tracheobronchial Tree 187
13 Inflammatory and Neoplastic Lesions 215
14 Foreign Bodies of the Airway and Esophagus 233
15 Chronic Cough 253
16 Persistent and Recurrent Pneumonia 263
17 Tracheostomy 275
18 Office Endoscopy for Evaluation of Speech and Voice 287
19 Caustic Ingestion, Esophageal Injury and Stricture 295
20 Feeding, Swallowing, Dysphagia, and Aspiration 305
21 Gastroesophageal Reflux 317
22 Obstructive Sleep Apnea 325
23 Apnea, Apparent Life-Threatening Events, and Disorders of Respiratory Control 337
24 Photography 349
25 Care and Maintenance of Endoscopic Equipment 357
App. A Hazardous Thought Pattern Self-Assessment 367
App. B Principles of Fluid Dynamics 381
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