도서 소개
상품 상세설명
From Book News, Inc.
This manual provides practical advice on a range of problems related to the diagnosis and management of both primary and secondary hypertension. The nine chapters, written and edited by physicians and researchers, discuss how elevated blood pressure might originate, why it represents a risk factor, and how the condition can be diagnosed and managed. Topics include epidemiology, etiology and pathophysiology, blood pressure measurement, specific secondary causes of hypertension, essential hypertension, antihypertensive drugs, treatment strategies, special conditions, and changing aspects of hypertension. Although intended for cardiologists, the information is presented in an accessible manner that would be of use and interest to the patient.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR
Book Description
The aim is to produce a really practical manual that gives clearly presented guidelines to the ordinary practitioner about what to do in given circumstances. It will be a "bench book" on hypertension, in which its various aspects are dealt with from a clinical perspective, and where the text is constructed, laid out, and illustrated, in such a way as to make the work of maximum utility and readability to the practitioner. What is planned will be very different from a conventional multi-author reference book. Where the existing works are to a large extent collections of essays of varying style and structure, this book will be built to a plan, and a firm commitment made to ensure that each chapter, and each page, conforms to a pre-agreed structure that helps the reader extract information with the minimum of effort. Careful attention will be paid to page design and to the use of graphical devices to optimise presentation and facilitate "navigation" - the book will be easy to refer to and learn from.
Book Info
(Churchill Livingstone) Univ. of Milan-Bicocca, Italy. Clinically oriented manual provides practice advice on a range of problems encountered in the diagnosis and management of patients with hypertension. Covers primary and essential hypertension, secondary causes, risk factors, and pharmacologic therapies. Softcover.
About the Author
Professor Giuseppe Mancia, Stevo Julius, Professor John Chalmers, Michael Weber, Professor Takao Saruta, Professor Alberto Ferrari, Ian Wilkinson
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