도서 소개
상품 상세설명
A who’s who in the rapidly emerging field of spinal arthroplasty brings you state-of-the-art guidance on everything you need to know about motion-sparing devices, including relevant surgical anatomy, biomechanics, clinical indications, surgical approaches, and specific implants associated with the full range of spinal arthroplasties. Lavishly illustrated with high-quality surgical and anatomical art and images, this landmark text brings this exciting and innovative technology to the forefront of spinal surgery with authority and style!
Key Features
* Reviews motion-sparing devices in all areas of the anterior and posterior spine.
* Discusses history • anatomy • spinal imaging • and the potential complications, including revision strategies for failed cervical or lumbar arthroplasties.
* Includes a DVD of narrated video clips detailing dynamic functional anatomy, surgical techniques, and the biomechanics of specific implant devices.
* Uses over 600 illustrations, images, and videos to display the devices and explain the ease and difficulties you may encounter in their application.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Spinal Arthroplasty with DVD
Vaccaro, Papadopoulos, Traynelis, Haid & Sasso
Table of Contents
1. The Debate of Fusion and Non-fusion Strategies for Symptomatic Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease
2. The debate of Fusion and Non-fusion Strategies for Symptomatic Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease
3. History of Spinal Fusion
4. History of Motion-Sparing Surgery
5. Anatomy
a. Cervical Spine
b. Lumbar Spine
6. Spinal Biomechanics
7. Spinal Imaging – Intervertebral Disc and Facet Degeneration
8. The Effects of Fusion and Motion Sparing Procedures on the Biomechanics of the Spine
9. Biomaterials in Spinal Arthroplasty
10. Total Disc Athroplasty: Clinical Indications and Surgical Approach
a. Cervical Spine
b. Lumbar Spine
11. Cervical Arthroplasty: Biomechanics, Design Considerations, Clinical Outcome
a. Overview of Cervical Arthroplasty: Biomechanics and Design Considerations c. Prestige Disc, LP
d. Prodisc C
e. PCM
12. Posterior Cervical Motion Sparing Technology- Biomechanics, Design Considerations, and Clinical Outcome
13. Lumbar Anular and Intra-discal Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease
a. Genetic Engineering
b. Anular Repair: Anulex Tech and Barricaid Intrinsic Therapeutic
c. Nucleoplasty
14. Lumbar Nucleus Pulposus Replacement
a. Ray Medica PDN
b. Neudisc-Replication Medica
c. Nucore-Spinewave
d. Nautilus
e. Newcleus (Spiral)
f. DASCOR-Disc Dynamics
g. Sinitec-Depuy Spine Sinux
h. Biomet-EBI
i. Biodisc-Cryolife
j. Aquarelle-Stryker
15. Lumbar Disc Arthroplasty - Biomechanics, Design Considerations, and Clinical Outcome
a. Lumbar Disc Arthroplasty – Biomechanics and Design Considerations
b. Charite
c. Prodisc
d. Maverick
e. Spinecore
f. Mobidisk
16. Facet Arthroplasty-Archus Orthopedics and Facet Solutions
17. Lumbar Posterior Motion Sparing Technology
a. Dynamic Rodding: Globus Spiral Rod, Dynesis- Zimmer, Graf Ligomentoplasty, Scientx, and Biorthex OrthoBiom
b. Dynamic Stenosis Management: St Francis Medical X-Stop, Spine Next Wallis, Fixano Interspinous, DIAM Medronics, and Tension Band System
18. Complications of Motion Sparing Surgery
19. Revision Strategies for Failed Cervical Arthroplasty
20. Revision Strategies for Failed Lumbar Arthroplasty
21. Retrieval Analysis of Arthroplasty Devices
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