도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Based on Lever's Histopathology of the Skin, Ninth Edition, this full-color atlas presents an algorithmic pattern recognition approach to differential diagnosis of skin diseases. Whereas Lever's classifies diseases by pathogenesis, this atlas aids in differential diagnosis of unknown cases by classifying diseases morphologically, based on their location in the skin and the patterns and cell types seen through the microscope. Within each morphologic category, prototypic disorders are described and illustrated with full-color photomicrographs, and a list of differential diagnostic possibilities is presented. The atlas contains over 1,300 full-color illustrations.
A bound-in image bank CD-ROM contains all the book's illustrations.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
I. DISORDERS MOSTLY LIMITED TO THE EPIDERMIS & STRATUM CORNEUM: Hyperkeratosis with Hypogranulosis / Hyperkeratosis with Normal or Hypergranulosis / Hyperkeratosis with Parakeratosis / Localized or Diffuse Hyperpigmentations / Localized or Diffuse Hypopigmentations / References for Section I
II. LOCALIZED SUPERFICIAL EPIDERMAL OR MELANOCYTIC PROLIFERATIONS: Localized Irregular Thickening of the Epidermis / Localized Lesions with Thinning of the Epidermis / Localized Lesions with Elongated Rete Ridges / Localized Lesions with Pagetoid Epithelial Proliferation / Localized Papillomatous Epithelial Lesions / Irregular Proliferations Extending Into the Superficial Dermis / Superficial Polypoid Lesions / References for Section II
III. DISORDERS OF THE SUPERFICIAL CUTANEOUS REACTIVE UNIT: Superficial Perivascular Dermatitis / Superficial Dermatitis with Spongiosis (Spongiotic Dermatitis) / Superficial Dermatitis with Epidermal Atrophy (Atrophic Dermatitis) / Superficial Dermatitis with Psoriasiform Proliferation (Psoriasiform Dermatitis) / Superficial Dermatitis with Irregular Epidermal Proliferation ("Hypertrophic Dermatitis") / Superficial Dermatitis with Lichenoid Infiltrates (Lichenoid Dermatitis) / Superficial Vasculitis and Vasculopathies / Superficial Dermatitis with Interface Vacuoles (Interface Dermatitis) / References for Section III
IV. ACANTHOLYTIC, VESICULAR AND PUSTULAR DISORDERS: Subcorneal or Intracorneal Separation / Intraspinous Keratinocyte Separation, Spongiotic / Intraspinous Keratinocyte Separation, Acantholytic / Suprabasal Keratinocyte Separation / Subepidermal Vesicular Dermatitis / References for Section IV
V. PERIVASCULAR, DIFFUSE & GRANULOMATOUS INFILTRATES OF THE RETICULAR DERMIS: Superficial and Deep Perivascular Infiltrates without Vasculitis / Vasculitis and Vasculopathies / Diffuse Infiltrates of the Reticular Dermis / Diffuse or Nodular Infiltrates of the Reticular Dermis with Epidermal Proliferation / Nodular Inflammatory Infiltrates of the Reticular Dermis: Granulomas, Abscesses & Ulcers / Dermal Matrix Fiber Disorders / Deposition of Material in the Dermis / References for Section V
VI. TUMORS AND CYSTS OF THE DERMIS & SUBCUTIS: Small Cell Tumors / Large Polygonal & Round Cell Tumors / Spindle Cell, Pleomorphic & Connective Tissue Tumors / Cysts of the Dermis and Subcutis / References for Section VI
VII. INFLAMMATORY & OTHER BENIGN DISORDERS OF SKIN APPENDAGES: Pathology Involving Hair Follicles / Pathology Involving Sweat Glands / Pathology Involving Nerves / Pathology of the Nails / References for Section VII
VIII. DISORDERS OF THE SUBCUTIS: Subcutaneous Vasculitis & Vasculopathy (Septal or Lobular) / Septal Panniculitis without Vasculitis / Lobular Panniculitis without Vasculitis / Mixed Lobular & Septal Panniculitis / Subcutanous Abscesses / References for Section VIII
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