도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Table Of Contents
Chemotherapy, James K. Schwarz / Principles of Pharmacology, Antonius
A. Miller / Norton-Simon Hypothesis, Larry Norton / Drug Resistance,
James Goldie / Principles of Chemotherapy, Carl E. Freter / Clinical
Trials, Barbara Barrett and Jeanette Linebaugh / Hematopoietic Growth
Factors, Jeffrey Crawford / Biologic Response Modifiers: Principles
of Biotherapy, Howard Ozer and Carla Kurkjian
ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION: Intraventricular and Intrathecal Therapy,
Victor A. Levin, Morris D. Groves, and Arthur D. Forman /
Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy, Maurie Markman / Continuous Intravenous
Infusion Chemotherapy, Robert W. Carlson / Intra-arterial
Chemotherapy, William D. Ensminger / Perfusion Therapy, William G.
Kraybill / Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, James O. Armitage
MANAGEMENT OF DRUG TOXICITY: Oral Toxicity, Douglas E. Peterson /
Dermatologic Toxicity, Susan K. Ailor / Extravasation, Gerald
Clamon / Hypersensitivity Reactions, Clint Daniel Kingsley / Ocular
Side Effects of Chemotherapy, Linda J. Burns and Mark A. Klein /
Cardiotoxicity of Cancer Therapy, Justin D. Floyd and Michael C.
Perry / Pulmonary Toxicity of Antineoplasic Therapy, Ramaswamy
Govindan and Daniel Morgensztern / Gastrointestinal Complications of
Chemotherapy, Joel Picus / Hepatotoxicity of Chemotherapy Agents,
Paul D. King / Renal and Electrolyte Abnormalities Due to
Chemotherapy, Irum Shahab and William P. Patterson / Neurotoxicity of
Chemotherapy Agents, Frederick H. Hausheer / Vascular Toxicity of
Anti-Neoplastic Agents, Donald C. Doll and Nasir Shahab / Second
Malignancies after Chemotherapy, Alfred Neugut and Thomas Uldrick /
Chemotherapy in Pregnancy, Donald C. Doll / Gonadal Complications and
Teratogenicity of Cancer Therapy, Catherine E. Klein
DRUG ADMINISTRATION: Central Venous Access for Chemotherapy, Paul Dale
Advanced Melanoma, Clay M. Anderson / Primary and Metastatic Brain
Tumors, Mark R. Gilbert / Chemotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer,
Everett Vokes and Nicholas Choong / Lung Cancer, Nasser H. Hanna and
Lawrence H. Einhorn / Breast Cancer, Carl G. Kardinal /
Gastrointestinal Cancer, Chris Papageorgio / Endocrine Tumors,
Stephen Graziano and Keith Goldstein / Chemotherapy of Genitourinary
Cancers, Gary R. MacVicar, Deborah Bradley, and Maha Hussain /
Gynecologic Cancer, Vince Herrin / Chemotherapy of Carcinoma of
Unknown Primary Site, John D. Hainsworth and F. Anthony Greco /
Chemotherapy of Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Rashmi M. Chugh, Scott
M. Schuetze, and Laurence H. Baker / Chemotherapy for Pediatric Solid
Tumors, Barbara Gruner
Lymphoma, Bruce A. Peterson / Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Philip J.
Bierman and James O. Armitage / Acute and Chronic Leukemias, James E.
Wooldridge / Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Bruce D. Cheson / Management
of Myeloproliferative Disorders and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Ayalew
Tefferi / Chemotherapy of Multiple Myeloma and Other Plasma Cell
Disorders, Nasir Shahab
APPENDICES: Chemotherapeutic Drugs, Michael C. Perry and Nancy F.
McKinney / Combination Chemotherapy Programs, Michael C. Perry and
Scott McGee / NCI Common Toxicity Criteria, Michael C. Perry
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