도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Hardcover - 670 pages . 4/e
Clinical Tuberculosis remains an indispensable resource for respiratory physicians, infectious disease specialists, public health workers and other individuals involved in the management and control of tuberculosis worldwide. This established reference is a comprehensive accoutn of tuberculosis, providing up-to-date and authoritative information on all aspects of the disease. It gives practical guidance to health professionals who may be involved in any aspect of patient management or disease control, including chapters on epidemiology, pathology, immunology, disease presentation, diagnosis, treatment and management options. Specific consideration is given to the problems of TB associated with HIV infection, and issues of control relating to low and high prevalence countries respectively. The ongoing issues surrounding the BCG vaccination and preventive therapy are also covered, as are the increasing problems of multi-drug resistant strains and environmental opportunist mycobacteria
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Pt. 1 Background
1 The history of tuberculosis from earliest times to the development of drugs Charlotte Roberts Roberts, Charlotte Jane Buikstra Buikstra, Jane
2 Epidemiology Christopher Dye Dye, Christopher
Pt. 2 Pathology and Immunology
3 Genotyping and its implications for transmission dynamics and tuberculosis Charles L. Daley Daley, Charles L.
4 Mycobacterium tuberculosis: the organism John M. Grange Grange, John M.
5 The diagnosis of tuberculosis Neil W. Schluger Schluger, Neil W.
6 Immunodiagnostic tests Melissa R. Nyendak Nyendak, Melissa R. Deborah A. Lewinsohn Lewinsohn, Deborah A. David M. Lewinsohn Lewinsohn, David M.
7 Histopathology Sebastian B. Lucas Lucas, Sebastian B.
8 Human immune response to tuberculosis Stephan K. Schwander Schwander, Stephan K. Jerrold J. Ellner Ellner, Jerrold J.
Pt. 3 Clinical Aspects
9 Respiratory tuberculosis Stephen Gardon Gardon, Stephen Henry Mwandumba Mwandumba, Henry
10 Non-respiratory tuberculosis Peter Ormerad Ormerad, Peter
11 Tuberculosis in childhoood Delane Shingadia Shingadia, Delane
Pt. 4 Treatment
12 Clinical pharmacology of the antituberculosis drugs Charles A. Peloquin Peloquin, Charles A.
13 Chemotherapy including drug-resistant therapyandfuture developments Wing Wai Yew Yew, Wing Wai
14 New developments in treatment Qijiang Chen Chen, Qijiang William R. Bishai Bishai, William R. Eric L. Nuermberger Nuermberger, Eric L.
15 International standards for tuberculosis care: integrating tuberculosis care and control Philip C. Hopewell Hopewell, Philip C. Elizabeth L. Fair Fair, Elizabeth L. Madhukar Pai Pai, Madhukar
16 The surgical management of tuberculosis and its complications PeterGoldstraw Goldstraw, Peter
17 Directly observed therapy and other aspects of management of tuberculosis care S. Bertel Squire Squire, S. Bertel
18 DOTS and DOTS-Plus Sonya Shin Shin, Sonya Jaime Bayona Bayona, Jaime Paul Farmer Farmer, Paul
Pt. 5 Tuberculosis in Special Situations
19 The association between HIVand tuberculosis in the developing world, with special focus onsub-Saharan Africa Anthony D. Harries Harries, Anthony D. Rony Zachariah Zachariah, Rony
20 HIV and TB in industrialized countries Anton Pozniak Pozniak, Anton
21 Tuberculosis and migration Paul Albert Albert, Paul Peter D. O. Davies Davies, Peter D. O.
Pt. 6 Prevention
22 Preventive therapy Jean-Pierre Zellweger Zellweger, Jean-Pierre
23 Clinical interpretation of tests for latent tuberculosis infection Victoria J. Cook Cook, Victoria J. Mark FitzGerald FitzGerald, Mark Dick Menzies Menzies, Dick
24 BCG vaccination Hans L. Rieder Rieder, Hans L.
Pt. 7 Control
25 Control of tuberculosis in low-prevalence countries Daniel Sogebiel Sogebiel, Daniel
26 Control of tuberculosis in high-prevalence countries Jayant N. Banavaliker Banavaliker, Jayant N.
27 The role of the specialistTB nurse Susan Jamieson Jamieson, Susan
28 Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015 Sarah England England, Sarah Marcos Espinal Espinal, Marcos Mario Raviglione Raviglione, Mario
Pt. 8 Related Aspects
29 Environmental mycobacteria John Banks Banks, John Ian A. Campbell Campbell, Ian A.
30 Animal tuberculosis Dirk U. Pfeiffer Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
Pt. 9 Conclusions
31 Conclusions Peter D. O. Davies Davies, Peter D. O. Peter F. Barnes Barnes, Peter F. Stephen Gordon Gordon, Stephen
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