도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This practical and comprehensive book provides how-to information on all aspects of access to the vascular system for
hemodialysis, parenteral nutrition, chemotherapy, and resuscitation. Preoperative evaluation, operations, noninvasive
procedures, complications, and other aspects are detailed. This edition provides increased coverage of non-
interventional techniques and includes new chapters on management of thrombophilia in hemodialysis patients; modulation
of the immune system to prevent myointimal hyperplasia; synthetic grafts; venous outflow stenting for salvage of
vascular access procedures; and ultrasound in vascular access procedures.
This book is essential for all clinicians treating patients who require vascular access, including vascular surgeons,
general surgeons, nephrologists, dialysis technicians and nurses, radiologists, and cardiologists.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Table Of Contents
Development of Vascular Access Surgery
Patient Assessment and Planning for Vascular Access Surgery
Anesthesia for Vascular Access Surgery
Surgical Anatomy for Hemodialysis Access
Physiology of the Arteriovenous Fistula
Thrombophilia as a Cause of Recurrent Vascular Access Thrombosis in Hemodialysis Patients
Biologic Properties of Venous Access Devices
Biologic Response to Prosthetic Dialysis Grafts
Strategies to Reduce Intimal Hyperplasia in Dialysis Access Grafts
Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Chronic Renal Failure and Guidelines for Initiation of Hemodialysis
Autologous Arteriovenous Fistulas: Direct Radiocephalic Anastomosis for Hemodialysis Access
Autogenous Vein for Fistulas and Interposition Grafts
Basilic Vein Transposition: A Modern Autogenous Vascular Access for Hemodialysis
Interposition Arteriovenous Grafts (Bridge Fistulas) for Hemodialysis
New Synthetic Grafts and Early Access
Central Venous Cannulation for Hemodialysis Access
Access in the Neonatal and Pediatric Patient
Surveillance, Revision, and Outcome of Vascular Access Procedures for Hemodialysis
Endovascular Management of Dialysis Graft Stenosis
Axillosubclavian Vein Thrombosis
Complications of Vascular Access: Thrombosis, Venous Hypertension, Congestive Heart Failure, Neuropathy, and Aneurysm
Dialysis Access Associated Ischemic Steal Syndrome
Vascular Access Neuropathic Syndrome: Ischemic Monomelic Neuropathy
Infection in Vascular Access Procedures
Assessment and Intervention for AV Fistula Maturation
Coordination and Patient Care in Vascular Access
Cardiovascular Consequences of Rapid Hemodialysis
Peritoneal Dialysis
Socioeconomic Implications of Vascular Access Surgery
Ultrasound in Vascular Access
Reflections on Four Decades of Experience in Vascular Access Surgery
Organizing Vascular Access: The Kaiser Permanente Southern California Experience
Should the KDOQI Guidelines for First Time Dialysis Access Apply to All Patients?
Ten Mistakes to Avoid in Dialysis Access Surgery
Placement of Indwelling Venous Access Systems
Vascular Access for Trauma, Emergency Surgery, and Critical Care
Complications of Percutaneous Vascular Access Procedures and Their Management
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